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Racial problems

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Racial problems Empty Racial problems

Post  polka23dot Wed May 09, 2012 6:26 pm

race differences in intelligence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SJNVb0GnPI

Saga - Ode to a dying people: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjr81A6Al9c

war on Caucasoids (whites): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4BBa61A590

Richard Lynn, Race differences in intelligence: https://ia902507.us.archive.org/3/items/RichardLynnRaceDifferencesInIntelligence/Richard%20LynnRace%20Differences%20In%20Intelligence.pdf

Average IQ levels according to Richard Lynn: Ashkenazi Jews (110), Mongoloids (105), Caucasoids (99), Inuit (91), Southeast Asians and Amerindians (87 each), Pacific Islanders (85), South Asians/North Africans including Middle Easterners (84), Negroids (67), Australian Aborigines (62), Khoisan and Pygmies (54), Homo Erectus (50), Apes (22), and Monkeys (12).

An IQ of 54 represents the mental age of 8-year-old Caucasoid child. (source: Richard Lynn, Race differences in intelligence, page 51.)

"A 60-page review of the scientific evidence has concluded that race differences in average IQ are largely genetic." source: http://www.news-medical.net/news/2005/04/26/Race-differences-in-average-IQ-are-largely-genetic.aspx

Richard Lynn explains eugenics and dysgenics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzrtUQHgXY8

Animals are racists (part of a speech made by prof. Philippe Rushton): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPUsSPR7o1M

Kindergarten teacher (Nancy Jennings) explains differences between Caucasoids and Negroids: http://www.amren.com/features/2014/09/all-i-really-need-to-know-about-race-i-learned-teaching-in-kindergarten/

Through their high capacity for affective empathy and empathic guilt, these Northwest Europeans had an edge in adapting to later cultural environments that would be structured not by kinship but by other ways of organizing social relations: the State, ideology, and the market economy. This has been one path that leads to advanced societies, but it is not the only one. East Asian societies have pursued a similar path of cultural evolution while having relatively low levels of affective empathy and empathic guilt. They seem to have done so by relying more on external means of behavior control (shaming, family discipline, community surveillance) and by building on cognitive empathy through learned notions of moral duty. source: http://www.unz.com/pfrost/affective-empathy-an-evolutionary-mistake/

Racism, contrary to what liberals may assert, isn’t just a disease that white people contract. Racism is alive and well in every community, including African, Asian and American aboriginal communities. source: http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/68155

"Even in the antebellum era, when slaves often weren't permitted to wed, most black children lived with a biological mother and father. During Reconstruction and up until the 1940s, 75% to 85% of black children lived in two-parent families. Today, more than 70% of black children are born to single women. The welfare state has done to black Americans what slavery couldn't do, what Jim Crow couldn't do, what the harshest racism couldn't do, and that is to destroy the black family. Racial discrimination is not the problem of black people that it used to be. Today I doubt you could find any significant problem that blacks face that is caused by racial discrimination. The 70% illegitimacy rate is a devastating problem, but it doesn't have a damn thing to do with racism. The fact that in some areas black people are huddled in their homes at night, sometimes serving meals on the floor so they don't get hit by a stray bullet - that's not because the Klan is riding through the neighborhood." - Walter Williams (black American economist at George Mason University) source: http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052748704881304576094221050061598

The Malay, Thai, or Indonesian populations who have prosperous Chinese populations in their midst might envy the Chinese success but are strangely unable to copy it. If Chinese business success were purely cultural, everyone should find it easy to adopt the same methods. This is not the case because social behavior, of Chinese and others, is genetically shaped... Japan and China, two of [the West’s] chief economic rivals, show no present sign of being better innovators. No one can yet say exactly what patterns in the neural circuitry predispose European populations to prefer open societies and the rule of law to autocracies, or Chinese to be drawn to a system of family obligations, political hierarchy, and conformity. There is clearly a genetic propensity for following society’s rules and punishing those who violate them... One of Wade’s key data points is the rapid economic growth of East Asia in the past half-century: “In the early 1950s Ghana and South Korea had similar economies and levels of gross national product per capita. Some 30 years later, South Korea had become the 14th largest economy in the world, exporting sophisticated manufactures. Ghana had stagnated.” Wade approvingly quotes political scientist Samuel Huntington’s statement, “South Koreans valued thrift, investment, hard work, education, organization, and discipline. Ghanaians had different values.” And Wade attributes these attitudes toward thrift, investment, etc., to the Koreans’ East Asian genes... As Wade puts it, “many countries with no resources, like Japan or Singapore, are very rich, while richly endowed countries like Nigeria tend to be quite poor. Iceland, covered in glaciers and frigid deserts, might seem less favorably situated than Haiti, but Icelanders are wealthy and Haitians beset by persistent poverty and corruption...” Maybe East Asians really are, on average, intelligent but not creative. Maybe the famous cultures of poverty in the United States and elsewhere are associated with genes involved in impulse control, violence, and short-term thinking. source: http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2014/05/troublesome_inheritance_critique_nicholas_wade_s_dated_assumptions_about.single.html

Chinese people have different skills than Caucasoids (the speaker, John Derbyshire, has Chinese wife): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gv4jjFgIP_g

"White supremacy, in the sense of a society in which key decisions are made by white Europeans, is one of the better arrangements History has come up with. There have of course been some blots on the record, but I don't see how it can be denied that net-net, white Europeans have made a better job of running fair and stable societies than has any other group... Non-white supremacy is after all the rule over much of the world, from entire continental spaces like sub-Saharan Africa to individual black-run or mestizo-run municipalities in the U.S.A. I see no great floods into these places by refugees desperate to escape the horrors of white supremacy... Conservative ideals like self-sufficiency and minimal dependence on government have no appeal to underperforming minorities — groups who, in the statistical generality, are short of the attributes that make for group success in a modern commercial nation... A much better strategy for them is to ally with as many disaffected white and Asian subgroups as they can (homosexuals, feminists, dead-end labor unions), attain electoral majorities, and institute big redistributionist governments to give them make-work jobs and transfer wealth to them from successful groups. Which is what, very rationally and sensibly, they do." - John Derbyshire, source: http://www.vdare.com/articles/john-derbyshire-who-are-we-the-dissident-right

White teacher describes his black students: http://amren.com/ar/2009/07/index.html

The Swedish government announced that it plans to remove all mentions of race from Swedish legislation, saying that race is a social construct which should not be encouraged in law. "We know that different human races actually do not exist," Swedish Integration Minister Erik Ullenhag told Sveriges Television (SVT). source: http://www.thelocal.se/20140731/race-to-be-scrapped-from-swedish-legislation

British taxi company has come under fire for supplying white drivers on request. source: www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2873534/

We all know that the Left’s views on race lead to laughable contradictions. For example, there is no such thing as race, but racism is the scourge of the planet. All groups are interchangeable, but diversity is wonderful because people are different... If America is a fortress of white supremacy, isn’t the arrival of more and more non-whites a human-rights disaster? Isn’t it the equivalent of hundreds of thousands of people a year pouring into North Korea, where they will suffer bouts of mass starvation under its totalitarian regime? If Jews had picked up stakes from around the world in the 1930s to go live in Berlin, the liberal media would have risen up in one voice to call this insanity... Mexicans talk fairly openly about “taking back” the southwestern United States, and some Chicanos, such as college professor Jose Angel Gutierrez, talk about “taking over.” Also, the hostility so many blacks have for whites and their culture (shown in rap lyrics and demands that Western Civilization not be taught in universities), explains why many see non-white immigration as just another way to knock whitey off his perch... All anti-racist commentators benefit from high racial tensions – real or imagined – since it is their source of income. If America really were as racist as they made it out to be, a reasonable solution would be black repatriation like that of the American Colonization Society. However, if blacks were to flee American racism and return to Africa, leftist pundits would have a lot less to analyze and to mobilize about; it would be an economic disaster for them. African-American Studies programs at universities would close down, the Democratic Party would lose a huge bloc of voters, and it would be hard to fill the pages of The Nation. Just as blacks escaping American “racism” would hurt the Left, non-white immigration helps it. It means more Chicano Studies programs, more votes for the Democratic Party, and more editorials about the tribulations of Hispanics in “Amerikkka.” source: http://www.amren.com/features/2015/01/the-left-contradicts-itself-on-race/

Last edited by polka23dot on Wed Feb 04, 2015 7:34 pm; edited 20 times in total

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Racial problems Empty Racial problems in USA

Post  polka23dot Thu Sep 20, 2012 5:08 pm

income inequality: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWUIKdLKQtE

John Stossel - black victimhood: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSnsypIpoJI

Caucasoids are second-class citizen in most U.S. states because these states have racist laws. The XIV Foundation opposes these racist laws. XIV Foundation website: http://www.xivfoundation.org/

Pittsburgh high schooler Suzy Weiss has a 4.5 GPA, an SAT score of 2120 (out of a maximum 2400), and a slew of rejections from Ivy League colleges... Perhaps we should not be surprised that Ivy League and other top-notch schools practice such ugly discrimination. After all, they had similar practices in the 1920s to ensure their schools did not have “too many” Jewish students. Today, they just want to make sure they don’t have “too many” Caucasians or Asians on campus. All they have done is change the groups targeted for discrimination. Suzy Weiss and many other high-school seniors across the United States are being discriminated against because of their skin color or because they have an epicanthic fold in their eyes. source: http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/345235/all-colleges-rejected-suzy-weiss-hans-von-spakovsky

Camden, New Jersey; Cleveland, Ohio; and Detroit, Michigan have been more permanently destroyed by diversity than Hiroshima was by the atomic bomb... The city of Chicago, the community once “organized” by the President we elected to prove we are not racist, is today more dangerous than Afghanistan. Blacks commit 75 percent of the murders, despite only being a third of the population. Blacks also refuse to talk to police officers trying to stop the violence, creating a situation akin to a low-level insurgency. In response, the city’s white Chief of Police Garry McCarthy says that in order to understand the violence you have to go back to the Pilgrims... The state of California, which was once a symbol a middle-class paradise, is now all but insolvent. The city of Stockton has declared bankruptcy and Hispanics are now a plurality in the “All America City.” That city’s situation might be preferable to that of Bell, where the almost entirely Hispanic city has seen practically its entire government arrested for corruption. The mayor’s defense is that he did not know what he was doing, because he is illiterate. Hundreds of thousands of Californians are fleeing the state, the first time there has been “white flight” from an entire state... Even the most fundamental questions about the nature of our society cannot be answered because we refuse even to consider race. The Left claims to be mystified by the collapse of the middle class, the destruction of private sector unions, and the end of class mobility in America. The Right cannot seem to understand why the state of Ronald Reagan will never vote Republican again, why the public is no longer afraid of socialism, and why the American soccer team is cursed at and booed at a “home game” in Los Angeles while illegal immigrants parade under foreign flags in the streets. Neither side can even began to grapple with the basic questions of class, values, identity, or economics that supposedly define them, because of their deliberate blindness about race. But it’s not just the big questions. It’s the little things that affect us every day. It’s not being able to understand a clerk at the store because he can’t speak English. It’s the trash on the floors and the shouts of obscenities if you try to take your kids on the subway. It’s having to sit in traffic for an hour each day, to and from work, because your former middle-class neighborhood close to where you work has mysteriously turned into a “ghetto.” They tell us diversity is a strength. Actually, it’s just a word that means we can no longer have nice things. Each day it gets more absurd. Nothing seems to work. Nobody does what he is supposed to do. The Border Patrol is filled with Hispanics and we act surprised when they ignore the law to help their co-racialists. We put Chinese in charge of military secrets and pretend that nobody could have predicted they would spy for their homeland. We pretend we don’t know what is happening when black elected officials run their cities into the ground but their constituents are more upset when a white person is put in charge to try to help. Race is at the center of all of this. Race is not just a social construct. It is a biological fact that exists no matter how much people pretend otherwise. There is no issue in American life, be it crime, health care, the environment, education, defense, or even public transportation that can be addressed intelligently without confronting the central role of race. Refusing to accept this means that official opinion and public policy grow ever more outlandish and divorced from reality. Even free speech becomes a thing of the past as we have to lie more and more to ourselves and each other to prevent us from seeing that the Emperor of Diversity has no clothes. Thus, we end up with a country where after Army soldiers are gunned down by a non-white, the Army Chief of Staff General Casey says, “As horrific as this tragedy was, if our diversity becomes a casualty, I think that’s worse.” We have to recognize that to actually believe this is to confess to being a madman.  source: http://www.amren.com/features/2013/04/race-the-central-question/

For almost 150 years the United States has been conducting an experiment. The subjects of the experiment: black people and working-class whites. The hypothesis to be tested: Can a people taken from the jungles of Africa and forced into slavery be fully integrated as citizens in a majority white population? The whites were descendants of Europeans who had created a majestic civilization. The former slaves had been tribal peoples with no written language and virtually no intellectual achievements. Acting on a policy that was not fair to either group, the government released newly freed black people into a white society that saw them as inferiors. America has struggled with racial discord ever since... Detroit is bankrupt, the south side of Chicago is a war zone, and majority-black cities all over America are beset by degeneracy and violence. And blacks never take responsibility for their failures. Instead, they lash out in anger and resentment. Across the generations and across the country, as we have seen in Detroit, Watts, Newark, Los Angeles, Cincinnati, and now Ferguson, rioting and looting are just one racial incident away. The white elite would tell us that this doesn’t mean the experiment has failed. We just have to try harder. We need more money, more time, more understanding, more programs, more opportunities. But nothing changes no matter how much money is spent, no matter how many laws are passed, no matter how many black geniuses are portrayed on TV, and no matter who is president... The experiment has failed. Not because of culture, or white privilege, or racism. The fundamental problem is that white people and black people are different. They differ intellectually and temperamentally. These differences result in permanent social incompatibility. Our rulers don’t seem to understand just how tired their white subjects are with this experiment. They don’t understand that white people aren’t out to get black people; they are just exhausted with them. They are exhausted by the social pathologies, the violence, the endless complaints, the blind racial solidarity, the bottomless pit of grievances, the excuses, the reflexive animosity. The elites explain everything with “racism,” and refuse to believe that white frustration could soon reach the boiling point. They will be the only ones who are surprised that when real revolution comes to the United States, and that it is white people who lead the revolt. source: http://www.amren.com/news/2014/09/ten-percent-is-not-enough/

Racial History of Gary, Indiana, USA: http://www.amren.com/news/2012/09/the-racial-history-of-gary-indiana-and-the-need-for-restrictive-covenants/

Jared Taylor remembers Philippe Rushton and Arthur Jensen: http://www.vdare.com/articles/jared-taylor-remembers-philippe-rushton-and-arthur-jensen

Black Americans believe that blacks are more racist than whites; 31% think most blacks are racist, while 24% consider most whites racist and 15% view most Hispanics that way. source: http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/lifestyle/general_lifestyle/july_2013/more_americans_view_blacks_as_racist_than_whites_hispanics

An analysis of 'single offender victimization figures' from the FBI for 2007 finds blacks committed 433,934 crimes against whites, eight times the 55,685 whites committed against blacks. Interracial rape is almost exclusively black on white — with 14,000 assaults on white women by African Americans in 2007. Not one case of a white sexual assault on a black female was found in the FBI study. source: http://cnsnews.com/commentary/patrick-j-buchanan/black-americas-real-problem-isnt-white-racism

The Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday that Michigan’s voter-approved ban on affirmative action was constitutional, voting 6-to-2 in favor of upholding the law. source: http://www.rocklandtimes.com/2014/04/24/supreme-court-upholds-state-bans-on-affirmative-action/

I am a public defender in a large (U.S.) southern metropolitan area. Fewer than ten percent of the people in the area I serve are black but over 90 per cent of my clients are black. The remaining ten percent are mainly Hispanics but there are a few whites. I have no explanation for why this is, but crime has racial patterns. Hispanics usually commit two kinds of crime: sexual assault on children and driving under the influence. Blacks commit many violent crimes but very few sex crimes. The handful of whites I see commit all kinds of crimes. In my many years as a public defender I have represented only three Asians, and one was half black. As a young lawyer, I believed the official story that blacks are law abiding, intelligent, family-oriented people, but are so poor they must turn to crime to survive. Actual black behavior was a shock to me... Unlike people of other races, blacks never see their lawyer as someone who is there to help them. I am a part of the system against which they are waging war. They often explode with anger at me and are quick to blame me for anything that goes wrong in their case... Most blacks are unable to speak English well. They cannot conjugate verbs. They have a poor grasp of verb tenses. They have a limited vocabulary. They cannot speak without swearing. They often become hostile on the stand. Many, when they testify, show a complete lack of empathy and are unable to conceal a morality based on the satisfaction of immediate, base needs. This is a disaster, especially in a jury trial. Most jurors are white, and are appalled by the demeanor of uneducated, criminal blacks... If you tell a black man that the evidence is very harmful to his case, he will blame you. “You ain’t workin’ fo’ me.” “It like you workin’ with da State.” Every public defender hears this. The more you try to explain the evidence to a black man, the angrier he gets... Part of the problem is that underclass black women begin having babies at age 15. They continue to have babies, with different black men, until they have had five or six. These women do not go to school. They do not work. They are not ashamed to live on public money. They plan their entire lives around the expectation that they will always get free money and never have to work. I do not see this among whites, Hispanics, or any other people... If you tell a black to dress properly for trial, and don’t give specific instructions, he will arrive in wildly inappropriate clothes. I represented a woman who was on trial for drugs; she wore a baseball cap with a marijuana leaf embroidered on it. I represented a man who wore a shirt that read “rules are for suckers” to his probation hearing. Our office provides suits, shirts, ties, and dresses for clients to wear for jury trials. Often, it takes a whole team of lawyers to persuade a black to wear a shirt and tie instead of gang colors. source: http://www.amren.com/features/2014/05/confessions-of-a-public-defender/

"It is quite common for Asians who are in America’s major urban centers to be at the receiving end of racism. For me growing up in Oakland, encountering racism from blacks, and to a lesser extent, Hispanics, was a regular phenomenon, and a daily occurrence in junior high and high school. Asian people — Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean or Filipino — are frequently berated as “Chinamen” and threatened or attacked physically. While Asians certainly are not immune to racist attitudes themselves —  one would be hard pressed to find an older Asian immigrant who would be thrilled if his daughter brought home a black man, Asians usually keep their attitudes private. This does not make the racist attitudes any less unfortunate (and these attitudes do improve over time, especially with younger Asians who grow up in this country), but they are clearly distinguishable from the very public and often physical humiliations that other racial minorities regularly inflict on Asians. For instance, rarely would you see Asians screaming racial epithets at black people in public places, or threatening to inflict, or actually inflicting, bodily harm against someone because he is black... There are countless examples of troubling black-on-Asian violence, but let me just offer a short list from the year 2010. In April, two black teenagers punched a Chinese immigrant, 59-year-old Tian Sheng Yu, in the mouth in downtown Oakland. He fell on his head, spent the next few days in critical care, and subsequently died. The same two teenagers assaulted the victim’s 27-year-old son before and after they assaulted the father. Between late March and early April of the same year, five black teenagers assailed five older Asian women, including one who was 71 years old, on separate occasions in or near a public housing project on the Lower East Side of New York City. In late March, five black teenagers surrounded a 57-year-old Asian woman at a light rail bus stop in San Francisco; one of them grabbed her and threw her from the platform onto the rails before beating her. The criminals in each of these cases acted for no apparent reason aside from the satisfaction of perpetrating a beating." -  Ying Ma (She wrote a book "Chinese Girl in the Ghetto" about her experiences after moving from China to Oakland, California at age ten) source: http://www.frontpagemag.com/2011/jamie-glazov/chinese-girl-in-the-ghetto/

Supreme Court Justice Sonya Sotomayor is already arguing that whites do not have the right to vote against anti-white racial preferences... Every single white person who lives in this country, no matter how rich, powerful, and well-connected, can be destroyed for racial thoughtcrime. The lie of white privilege conceals the reality that no powerful white person uses his power in defense of his own people – or else he wouldn’t remain powerful for long... One of the great causes for George Washington’s backing of the American Revolution was his support for western expansion, which was checked by the British government. He waged effective war against Indian tribes that threatened white settlers. Though a Freemason and an opponent of monarchy, he defended social distinctions and the rule of law, and he opposed abolition. He was an elitist. He was a nationalist. He was a white patriot. source: http://www.amren.com/news/2014/06/rename-washington/

African Americans make up only 12 percent of the United States of America (USA) population, and yet accounted for over 46 percent of all HIV diagnoses in 2011. source: http://www.avert.org/hiv-aids-among-african-americans.htm

George Frost Kennan was the wisest of the American leaders who formulated the post World War II foreign and defense policies... Kennan was a brilliant strategic thinker who never forgot that his duty as a diplomat and foreign policy adviser was to represent the interests of the United States... He considered Russia to be, for the most part, a Western country, and he foresaw that communism would not last... He wrote award-winning books on diplomatic history, and US foreign and defense policy... During a 1979 summit meeting with newly elected British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and Chairman Leonid Brezhnev, Thatcher said she saw no reason why their two countries could not have better relations. Mr. Brezhnev agreed, but went further: “Madame, there is only one important question facing us, and that is the question whether the white race will survive.” Mrs. Thatcher was so taken aback that she immediately left the room. Kennan would not have been shocked, as he was increasingly making the same point to whoever would listen: The greatest dangers the West faced were accidental nuclear war and overpopulation by Third-World immigration... Nor was Kennan under any illusions about South Africa. When Nelson Mandela was released, he wrote: "I know nothing about Mr. Mandela, other than he has been imprisoned for a very long time and resolutely refused to abandon the use of violence to obtain for his movement the power he would it to have..." So long as Europeans controlled Suez and the oil fields, they could leave the natives to their bloody ethnic and sectarian feuds. “Let us not deceive ourselves into believing that the fanatical local chauvinisms represent a force that can be made friendly or dependable from our point of view,” he wrote. On the contrary, “these chauvinistic movements, permeated as they are by violence and immaturity, will breed bloodshed, horror, hatred and political oppression worse than anything we see today...” Kennan was a frank eugenicist: "Nothing good can come out of modern civilization, in the broad sense. We have only a group of more or less inferior races, incapable of coping adequately with the environment which technical progress has created... This situation is essentially a biological one. No amount of education and discipline can effectively improve conditions as long as we allow the unfit to breed copiously and to preserve their young. Yet there is no political faction in the world which has any thought of approaching the problem from the biological angle. Consequently there is really nothing positive to be expected from any political movement now in existence..."  Already by the 1960s, Kennan had become a strong environmentalist, and worried about population pressure..." He called for an immigration moratorium in his 1993 volume of essays, Around the Cragged Hill. The book was a New York Times’ bestseller for three weeks, but was largely ignored by the establishment... Kennan’s last public statement on the subject was during an interview with the New Yorker magazine in 2000: “I think the country is coming apart, partly because of its susceptibility to immigration.” source: http://www.amren.com/features/2014/06/the-george-kennan-diaries/

In 2010, blacks, who make up just 13 percent of the (U.S.) population, were 55 percent of shooting homicide victims. And 90 percent of black murder victims are killed by other blacks. The problem is not our gun laws. Nor is it our drug laws, or racist cops, prosecutors and judges. The problem is black criminality, which is a function of black pathology, which ultimately stems from the breakdown of the black family. source: http://online.wsj.com/articles/political-diary-chicago-and-black-criminality-1404853317

Black and Hispanic students are violent: http://www.amren.com/features/2014/07/how-i-learned-the-truth-about-race/

On May 19, 2012, 18 members of something called the Hoosier Anti-Racist Movement stormed the Ashford House Restaurant in Tinley Park, IL, armed with hammers and clubs. They attacked a small gathering of a group called the Illinois European Heritage Association. The "anti-racist" political violence was caught on surveillance footage that was never made public -- until now. There is also footage of the attackers at a nearby restaurant before the assault. The faces of many are clearly identifiable, but only six of the 18 attackers have been arrested. video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2yAauUs-kk

The con works like this: Blacks claim racism. They scream and demonstrate. Their leaders fly in to pump up the excitement. The lickspittle press clucks about oppression. Lickspittle whites join the demonstrations. Eventually the facts come out, and they are nothing like what was initially claimed–but it makes no difference. Blacks are so drunk on indignation that facts don’t matter, and whites are so drunk on self righteousness they can’t see they were flimflammed. We’ve seen this over and over: Trayvon Martin, the Duke Rape Hoax, the Jena Six, Tawana Brawley, the “Compton Cookout”/UC San Diego fraud, and America’s never-ending stream of hate-crime hoaxes. Why do we always fall for the same trick? First, we have Africa in our midst. Second, our rulers don’t realize we have Africa in our midst. It may be that the police shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, that touched off a week of black riots was unjustified. But let us recall the very first version of events–the one that sent blacks screaming into the streets. Brown’s pal, Dorian Johnson, went on the air and claimed that he and Brown were walking in the middle of the street, a white cop told them to get on the sidewalk, and then blazed away at Brown when he refused. He says Brown had his hands in the air and was saying “I don’t have a gun. Don’t shoot,” when the cop poured lead into him from 20 or 30 feet away. There is probably not a single sworn peace officer anywhere in the United States who would shoot an unarmed man with his hands in the air from 20 feet away. That’s about as likely as an entire white lacrosse team gang-raping a black stripper. But that is what the press reported–along with a vague police account of a struggle for the officer’s gun–and it sent thousands of people into the streets running around with their arms in the air, pretending to be an innocent black men about to be shot. The essential point is that the public doesn’t yet know what happened–though there is evidence now coming out that looks bad for the six-foot, four-inch, 294-pound “gentle giant,” as his admirers now no longer call him: He was high on marijuana, had just committed a strong-arm robbery, may have fractured the white cop’s eye socket in a struggle, and may have been charging straight for the officer when he was shot. An even more important point is that a huge number of blacks don’t care what happened... The essential point is that the public doesn’t yet know what happened–though there is evidence now coming out that looks bad for the six-foot, four-inch, 294-pound “gentle giant,” as his admirers now no longer call him: He was high on marijuana, had just committed a strong-arm robbery, may have fractured the white cop’s eye socket in a struggle, and may have been charging straight for the officer when he was shot. An even more important point is that a huge number of blacks don’t care what happened... In Ferguson, African-Americans are acting like Africans rather than Americans. Presumptions of innocence, rules of evidence, and deliberative justice are about as rare on the street as they are south of the Sahara. Africa is notorious for mob justice. Alleged thieves are often beaten to death on the spot. Witch-burning is so common, you can now see it on YouTube. UNICEF reports that more Africans than ever believe in witchcraft. In Africa, hit-and-run is a safety measure; if you stop to help, the crowd is likely to kill you. That nearly happened right here in America when Steve Utash, who was driving through Detroit, stopped to help a child who had jumped in front of his car, and was very nearly murdered by a black crowd. This was not ruled a hate crime–it’s just what blacks do, apparently. Is there any doubt what would happen to Officer Darren Wilson if the blacks on the streets of Ferguson got their hands on him? We have riots and blood lust rather than orderly procedure because we have Africa in our midst. Another reason we have riots is because whites refuse to understand that we have Africa in our midst. The official view is that the Ferguson rioters might as well be white people, except that they’re victims of society. Our rulers tell us that looting and arson are regrettable but understandable expressions of legitimate black rage. Another reason we have riots is because whites refuse to understand that we have Africa in our midst. The official view is that the Ferguson rioters might as well be white people, except that they’re victims of society. Our rulers tell us that looting and arson are regrettable but understandable expressions of legitimate black rage... Another reason we have riots is because whites refuse to understand that we have Africa in our midst. The official view is that the Ferguson rioters might as well be white people, except that they’re victims of society. Our rulers tell us that looting and arson are regrettable but understandable expressions of legitimate black rage... And when the case goes to trial, what juror will not recall the 50 deaths that followed the acquittal of the police who beat Rodney King? What juror will not recall the insults heaped on the jurors who acquitted George Zimmerman? It will do no good to move the trial to a different jurisdiction. Officer Darren Wilson will not get a fair trial unless it takes place on the moon. This is another sacrifice to Africa. In the long term, as Africa and other parts of the Third World expand in our midst, it will become harder and harder for any of our basic European institutions to function. We are slipping back towards corruption and the rule of brute power. Africa may always be in our midst, but unless our rulers understand what that means, many Fergusons are in our future. source: http://www.amren.com/news/2014/08/to-understand-the-ferguson-riots-look-to-africa/

Students caught misbehaving in the nation's second largest school district will be sent to the principal's office rather than the courthouse as part of sweeping disciplinary reforms announced Tuesday by Los Angeles schools... Of the approximately 9,000 arrests and tickets issued to students in the 2011-2012 school year, 93 percent involved black and Latino students. source: http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/los-angeles-schools-make-discipline-harsh-25031515

The District of Columbia in 2014 received an “F” grade in academic achievement for low-income and minority students attending its public schools, according to a report from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. source: http://cnsnews.com/news/article/ali-meyer/dc-gets-f-academic-achievement-low-income-minority-students

Ku Klux Klan rally near Parkersburg, West Virginia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5D10Y_35p98

One of the classic conservative arguments against welfare is that it rewards degeneracy... Until the 1960s, blacks tended to value the qualities that bring success: diligence, politeness, marriage, education, reliability, proper speech, etc. Now, for many blacks, this is “acting white...” Black rappers have even bragged about subverting middle-class aspirations... The persistently high black jobless rate is more a consequence of unemployablity than of discrimination in hiring... The black inmate population reflects black criminality, not a racist criminal justice system... In 1940, the black poverty rate was 87 percent. By 1960, without any help from preferences, it had dropped to 47 percent. In 1990 after 25 years of racial preferences, 32 percent of blacks were still poor. source: http://www.amren.com/features/2014/10/irrefutable-and-ineffectual/

Black women attacked McDonald's in Philadelphia because breakfast menu expired: www.youtube.com/watch?v=cb9LcRP4BSU

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. enjoyed sexual orgies. source: www.nytimes.com/2014/11/16/magazine/what-an-uncensored-letter-to-mlk-reveals.html

Teen pregnancy rate for Hispanic and black girls is more than twice as high, and American Indian/Alaska native girls is nearly twice as high as that for white girls. source: http://news.yahoo.com/white-house-turns-girls-color-050212069.html

When Oregon was granted statehood in 1859, it was the only state in the Union admitted with a constitution that forbade black people from living, working, or owning property there. It was illegal for black people even to move to the state until 1926... Today, while 13 percent of Americans are black, just 2 percent of Oregon's population is black... Pacific Northwest has always had a utopic quality to white separatists. source: http://gizmodo.com/oregon-was-founded-as-a-racist-utopia-1539567040

Last edited by polka23dot on Wed Feb 04, 2015 7:22 pm; edited 24 times in total

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Racial problems Empty Racial problems in South Africa

Post  T.J. Donatello Thu Sep 20, 2012 5:58 pm

Censorbugbear reports: http://censorbugbear-reports.blogspot.ro/

Google Groups page about Afrikaner Volkstaat: http://groups.google.com/group/support-the-creation-of-the-afrikaner-volkstaat
T.J. Donatello
T.J. Donatello

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Racial problems Empty Good films about Africa

Post  polka23dot Wed Jan 16, 2013 7:50 pm

Africa Addio
The Director's Cut of Africa Addio gives a first hand account of the birth of modern Africa as it moved away from colonial rule: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjkQXx-MEGQ

Mugabe and the White African
Mugabe and the White African is a documentary about white farmer family living in Zimbabwe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajPJ9OD7OfQ

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Racial problems Empty Arabic racism

Post  polka23dot Tue Feb 19, 2013 7:15 am

A system exists now by which Arab Muslims -- the bidanes — own black slaves, the haratines... According to some estimates, up to 600,000 Mauritanians, or 20% of the population, are still enslaved. source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_modern_Africa#Mauritania

Not all blacks in Mauritania are slaves. But all are oppressed by Arab colonialism. Arab Berbers (or “White Africans”) constitute less than a third of Mauritania’s population of 3.5 million people, but they control the government and military, as well as the education and the court systems. I interviewed Saidou Wane, a Mauritanian immigrant who lives in Cincinnati and speaks regularly on behalf of the Movement for Justice and Equality in Mauritania (MJEM). Saidou reports that the Mauritanian regime is constantly working to cleanse the country of any non-Arab influence. The state recognizes only Arabic as an official language, refuses to acknowledge the local African languages (Wolof, Fulani, Soninke), and allows only French and Arabic in school curricula. In other cases, this would easily be termed “cultural cleansing.” Indeed, it might be even worse than apartheid: The government has expropriated land owned by black Africans through expulsion and dispossession. An ethnic cleansing campaign that began in 1989 led to the expulsion of an estimated 100,000 blacks from Mauritania. The government and army were purged of black officers. Amnesty International reported that thousands of blacks were killed, and many tortured, while hundreds of African villages in the south were demolished. Mauritania holds the distinction of being the last nation on earth to legally abolish slavery, which it did, with no mechanisms of enforcement, in 1981. Slavery was not criminalized until 2007, but to date there has been only one single conviction. source: http://www.israelnationalnews.com/Articles/Article.aspx/13067#.UVpdjVcp6Lg

Arabs are racists because they are Muslims: http://www.frontpagemagazine.com/Articles/Read.aspx?GUID=30875BC8-5FB3-4A07-B9B6-644FA28D99EE

Arab racism is familiar to African guest workers in countries like Libya and Egypt, enduring routine verbal and physical attack. Sudanese Arabs suffer from their own racial identity dilemma, viewed as black by their Egyptian neighbours to the north (Sudan is a corruption of the Egyptian word for black). I have heard the Arab Sudanese use the word for slave (abid) to the faces of their fellow citizens who self-identify as non-Arab. source: http://www.independent.co.uk/opinion/commentators/ed-husain-where-is-the-muslim-anger-over-darfur-1769962.html

Animosity between dark skinned Africans and lighter skinned people from the north has been around as long as the two groups have been in contact. Arabs first moved south of the Sahara in large numbers over a thousand years ago and often came as conquerors and slavers. Although many of the black Africans were converted to Islam, the lighter skinned Arabs (including the Tuareg and Berbers of North Africa) considered themselves superior. This racist attitude has persisted and the black Africans often reciprocate. This is one reason why the largely Tuareg of northern Mali constantly rebel. Not only is the Mali government corrupt but it is dominated by black Africans, which is what 90 percent of Malians are. Officially, Islam and most African governments deny that such ethnic tensions exist. This in itself is progress but the animosities remain and often become quite deadly. The slaving also continues and often gets into the news. This most recently occurred in Sudan, where the government encouraged Arabized tribes to raid non-Moslem black African tribes and take slaves. Retreating al Qaeda men sometimes took newly enslaved blacks with them. Many old customs die hard in this part of the world. Yet there is also a tradition of tolerance between the blacks and the lights but the corruption of the black dominated elected government has caused growing resentment from the Tuaregs of the north. Al Qaeda does not openly preach racism but it implies that Arabs and other “lights” will prevail over blacks in areas where the two groups are present. source: http://www.strategypage.com/qnd/mali/articles/20130222.aspx

Many migrants and mixed-race Lebanese, particularly those of Asian and African origin, say they encounter racism on a regular basis... The unequal treatment meted out to people of other ethnic backgrounds has prompted a group of activists in Lebanon, in collaboration with migrant community leaders, to form the Anti Racism Movement (ARM, www.antiracismmovement.com/), committed to documenting, exposing and challenging racist behavior and attitudes in the country. source: http://edition.cnn.com/2013/02/10/world/meast/lebanon-racism-migrants-sting/

The sizable black population in Iraq endures a form of virulent racism that African Americans haven’t seen in more than 50 years. Blacks there say they are regularly called “slave” and followed by groups of kids yelling epithets... A piece broadcast on a radio station in the Netherlands took a deep look at the racism experienced by sub-Saharans Africans in Morocco, where they are viewed with such suspicion by the local Arabs that an Arab shopkeeper even warned the European reporter to stay away from the Africans because “they might eat you.” The Africans are forced to live in a camp deep in the woods because they are unable to find jobs to make money—and when they do find work, they believe they are paid poorly because they are black. They are also frequently victimized by criminals who know the Africans can’t report it to authorities because they would face deportation. “Arabs hate black people. And that is not from today. It is in their blood,” Aboubakr, a young man from Senegal who is hoping eventually to cross over into Europe, told the reporter for RNW (Radio Netherlands Worldwide). “Friends of mine were attacked with a knife. Bandits target us because they know we cannot go to the police, even if we are robbed and hurt. Having no papers, we will be caught instead. Blacks have no rights here.” source: http://atlantablackstar.com/2012/10/17/blacks-in-north-africa-and-middle-east-often-face-virulent-racism-from-arabs/

Ethnic tensions within Al Qaeda: http://www.strategypage.com/htmw/htterr/articles/20130805.aspx

France is finding that getting Islamic terrorists out of northern Mali, and the Sahara Desert in general is very difficult. A large part of the problem was the past refusal of Western nations to pursue Islamic terrorists defeated years ago in places like Algeria, Morocco and Libya. The survivors of these 1990s defeats went south into the desert and established lucrative smuggling (of drugs and people) and kidnapping (of Westerners) operations that brought in over $10 million a year. This enabled hundreds of hardcore and experienced Islamic terrorists to continue recruiting and planning new terror attacks against Moslem and Western nations. While a lot of that money was diverted to operating expenses (including bribing, or hiring, locals) and corruption (al Qaeda documents captured over the years indicates this is still a problem) there was enough left to buy more weapons than they needed and spreading the word that Islamic terrorism was the way to go and it paid well. This appealed to a lot of young men who had bleak economic prospects and were always up for some adventure, especially if it involved getting a gun, a license to kill or loot and regular pay.  Another thing that kept the Islamic radical pot boiling was the existing ethnic and racial tensions in the region. There was a lot of ethnic and racial animosity in the southern Sahara, especially in northern Mali. It was most intense in the major cities. Black Africans living in the north, usually in the cities, are often eager for revenge against Arabs (the most violent Islamic terrorists were Arab) and Tuaregs (the lighter skinned tribesmen of the north who have been regularly rebelling against the rule of the black African majority) whenever the opportunity presented itself. When French troops moved into northern Mali in January 2013 to shut down what had been an Islamic terrorist sanctuary for most of 2012 the local black Africans got a chance for some payback. For months French troops were not able to stop revenge attacks. Black Africans in the north would single out “light skin” (Arab or Tuareg) neighbors who had been too friendly with the Islamic terrorist occupiers and demand that these people be punished. Malian troops have arrested hundreds of these collaborators, who are usually eager to cooperate. But some of the “lights” were tortured and at least a few killed. The Mali soldiers said they were punishing murderers and rapists but mainly they are out to torment the hated “lights”. Despite efforts by foreign peacekeepers to halt the ethnic and racial violence some of it continues in the north and it is not unknown throughout the southern Sahara when the conditions are right. This sort of animosity between dark skinned Africans and lighter skinned people from the north has been around as long as the two groups have been in contact. Arabs first moved south of the Sahara in large numbers over a thousand years ago and often came as conquerors and slavers. Although many of the black Africans encountered converted to Islam, the lighter skinned Arabs (including the Tuareg and Berbers of North Africa) considered themselves superior. This racist attitude has persisted and the black Africans often reciprocate. This is one reason why the majority Tuareg of northern Mali constantly rebel. Not only is the Mali government corrupt but it is dominated by black Africans, which is what 90 percent of Malians are. Officially, Islam and most African governments deny that such ethnic tensions exist. This in itself is progress, but the animosities remain and often become quite deadly. The slaving also continues and sometimes gets into the news. This happened a lot in Sudan since the 1990s as the government encouraged Arabized tribes to raid non-Moslem black African tribes and take slaves. In northern Mali retreating al Qaeda men sometimes took newly enslaved blacks with them. source: http://www.strategypage.com/qnd/mali/articles/20140115.aspx

racial divide between black Americans and Arabs: http://www.frontpagemag.com/2014/jamie-glazov/jihad-crow-in-america/

Last edited by polka23dot on Sat Oct 18, 2014 5:23 am; edited 4 times in total

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Racial problems Empty Mongoloids do not welcome other races

Post  polka23dot Thu Apr 18, 2013 8:12 pm

In 2007, the Korean pure blood theory became an international issue when the U.N. Committee on the International Convention Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination urged better education on the pure blood theory is needed especially for judicial workers such as police officers, lawyers, prosecutors and judges. The suggestion received mixed reception in South Korea in which some raised a concern that foreigners will invade the Korean culture and challenge national sovereignty. Others claim the embrace of multi-ethnicism will diminish chances of reunifying the Korean peninsula. source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korean_ethnic_nationalism

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Racial problems Empty Zimbabwe

Post  polka23dot Sun Apr 21, 2013 10:55 am

Zimbabwe president Robert Mugabe has ordered the nation’s remaining white farmers to be booted off their farms in order that the land be given to black Zimbabweans... Mr. Mugabe said all remaining white farmers should leave – and closed the door even on white families renting farms from black owners, as some several hundred have been doing since most were violently chased away a decade ago. source: http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Africa/2014/0703/Robert-Mugabe-says-no-whites-may-own-land-in-Zimbabwe

Corn (maize) production is down 80 percent since the government of Zimbabwe seized white-owned farms. source: http://cfuzim.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1417

Last edited by polka23dot on Tue Jul 08, 2014 7:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Racial problems Empty Violence against Caucasoids

Post  polka23dot Thu May 30, 2013 2:57 pm

Violence against whites: http://violenceagainstwhites.wordpress.com/

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Racial problems Empty Haiti

Post  polka23dot Sat Jun 01, 2013 10:12 pm

White man visits the black republic: http://www.amren.com/features/2013/05/white-man-visits-the-black-republic/

Haiti: then and now: http://www.amren.com/features/2012/03/haiti-then-and-now-2/

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Racial problems Empty South Africa

Post  polka23dot Wed Jul 31, 2013 10:51 am

Many South Africans believe that the South African Air Force (SAAF) has been falling apart for years... The government has set a racial goal for SAAF pilots and wants them to be 75 percent black and 25 percent white. A lack of qualified black air force personnel means that this goal has still not been met. The morale problem started getting a lot worse back in 2005, when the three top rated graduates of pilot training school, who would normally go on to fly fighters, were told that, because they were white, they would instead fly helicopters or transports. source: http://www.strategypage.com/htmw/htmurph/articles/20130731.aspx

Somalis fear South African violence more than war at home: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-10-21/somalis-fear-south-african-violence-more-than-war-at-home.html

Nelson Mandela and South Africa: http://www.amren.com/features/2013/12/mandela-white-genocide-with-a-whimper/

Where have the Boer, Anglo and Afrikaner warriors gone? Why has Western European man stood idly as so many have taken advantage of his kindness and altruistic nature? In my adopted homeland of Britain and other northern & western nations our men watch as radical Islam, mass immigration from Africa, the Mideast and the ‘new EU’ has decimated their nations with crime, cultural infection and hatred. I ask - when will we rise up and defend ourselves? Firstly I’d like to say that I am not a racist. In fact I have at times been sympathetic to the plight of the black man due to the fact that as a district nurse, I am often sent to assist children stricken with tuberculosis living in Capetown’s poorest townships. As a human being it is hard not to feel sorry for these children, regardless of their skin color. I feel for all people, was actually against Apartheid as a student, and count several ‘colored’ people as close friends. One of my great grandparents is in fact ‘colored’, as is often the case in South Africa. So this has NOTHING to do with racial hatred. My anger at how far we have fallen as a people-how complacent; even cowardly we have become at times, stems not from hate, but tragedy. You see I lost a loved one due to anti-white racial hatred a few years back. My 19-year-old cousin was gunned down for his mobile phone and murdered – in my opinion, solely because of the color of his skin. Jaco was with a group of his friends on a night out when they were set upon by a group of black males. The black thugs attacked my cousin, used racial epithets, shot him at point blank range and walked off with a handful of cash and a cheap phone. Making matters worse was the fact that Jaco’s friends left him to die, even when the blacks had run off. Not one retuned to the scene of the crime. Not one. His cowardly friends did nothing, leaving him to die. His death is a metaphor for the death of our collective societies... In my adopted homeland of Britain and other northern & western nations our men watch as radical Islam, mass immigration from Africa, the Mideast and the “new EU” has decimated their nations with crime, cultural infection and hatred. Men are angry that their streets are flooded with non-British people, but do little to stem the tide of immigration... Internationalist racist groups, like the American Black Panthers have been welcomed into South Africa with open arms, where they have called for the murder and extermination of ALL non-blacks... We have been our typical apathetic selves, content living behind bars and in fortified compounds... South African women, as I myself once also had to – are forced to live behind bars, their kids kept inside and no one, I REPEAT no one, is doing anything to change it. source: http://www.europeanknightsproject.com/an-afrikaner-woman-who-fled-to-britain s-plea-to-the-boer-warrior/

the end of South Africa: http://www.nationalreview.com/node/398136/print

Last edited by polka23dot on Sat Feb 21, 2015 9:30 pm; edited 3 times in total

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Racial problems Empty An open letter to the BBC from an Afrikaner

Post  polka23dot Tue Feb 11, 2014 2:55 pm

4 May 2012
To Whom It May Concern
I write this letter knowing that I will not accomplish a change of ‘heart’ by the BBC, I write it because I have a burning desire to expose to the world the damage done to a beloved country, the Republic of South Africa by the mainstream media in which the BBC played an influential role.
In the years between the 60’s and 80’s the BBC was very active in South Africa reporting on a daily basis the gross human right violations against black Africans under the evil white-Apartheid-regime (as it was known to the world) and the racial discrimination committed by this evil white Afrikaner government. If there was any incident of any sort a BBC-journalist was there to report it to the world in a state of hysteria and the world watched in disgust and came to despise the evil Apartheid-regime.
There is a particular incident I would like to shed light on to expose the BBC’s double-standards when it comes to reporting news about South Africa.
In the sixties two journalist from the BBC came to South Africa summoned by their bosses to document and photograph the ‘crimes’ of the white government against the black-Africans. After wondering around for two weeks in black townships and white suburbs they failed to capture a single incident of some sort of racists act so they placed sweets in a garbage bin at a local school’s playground. It was not long before young black kids started to dig in the bin and retrieve the sweets. Photos were taken of them while they were digging inside the bin and these photos were taken back to the UK and splashed all over the front pages of news papers under headings like; ‘SA starves their blacks’ ‘No hope for these children under white rule’ etc.
Now I live in Cape Town today (after 18 years of ‘freedom’) and every morning on ‘bin days’ when I go to work driving through the suburbs I see people digging in the plastic wheelie bins, but this time not for sweets, but for anything they can eat, sell or trade. In fact you can hardly stop at any traffic light without being confronted by someone begging for money or food. Today in South Africa 11 million people go to sleep under fed thanks to a corrupt and incompetent governments unable to provide. I am just wondering where are those BBC’s journalists now, to take photographs of people starving under the ‘democratic’ rule of the black-ANC. Better yet, today in South Africa white farmers are being murdered in ways that I shall rather not describe in detail, more than 3000! These murders happen by the hands of black Africans and in most cases nothing gets stolen. We have reached a state of white-Afrikaner genocide a long time ago and not only does the ANC-government do nothing to stop these murders, their leaders are singing ‘folk song’ with lyrics like ‘ kill the boer, kill the farmer’ and that includes our president who recently sang this song at a public gathering. Once again I wonder where are the BBC this time to report on these gross human right violations? Not a single word of it. Our own media in South Africa refuses to expose these farm attacks for what they really are. Is it acceptable to the world to murder and torture people as long as they are white? Or what other conclusion I am left with to make?
Yours Sincerely
Gustaaf Jonker

source: http://www.bnp.org.uk/news/national/breaking-clive-jefferson-arrested-outside-liverpool-crown-court

The abuse of white Africans is documented in 2 movies: "Mugabe And The White African" and 1966 Italian documentary "Africa Addio."

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Racial problems Empty Gypsies

Post  polka23dot Mon Jun 23, 2014 8:58 pm

Today’s immigration disaster in Europe is liable to make us forget that a significant racially alien underclass has already lived on the continent for centuries: the Gypsies, or “Roma...” The total Gypsy population of Europe is thought to be between 10 and 12 million–greater than the populations of such nations as Hungary or Sweden. They are known by a variety of names, such as Sinti, Manouches, Travelers, Kalo, Romanichals, Tsigani and Gitans. The most commonly used English word, “Gypsy,” is a corruption of “Egyptian,” and reflects the mistaken belief that they originated in Egypt. The politically correct term for them, “Roma,” is what they call themselves, and comes from the name of their language, though many no longer speak Romany... “In Central and South-Eastern Europe, an average of 46.8 percent of Roma families receive social assistance; 56.8 percent receive child support payments.” In Bulgaria, fully 90 percent of Gypsies live on state benefits. In Britain, their “skillful manipulation of [the] benefits system has brought an outcry from the media, police, and charities for the homeless.” Gypsies, for their part, do not think highly of the gadjé (their term for non-Gypsies). They have a concept of ritual purity according to which gadjé are considered unclean: “Most groups restrict their interaction with outsiders to economic transactions and brief encounters with officials or institutional representatives such as welfare or hospital staff.” They do not view stealing from or cheating gadjé as morally wrong. Gypsy girls are not permitted to marry gadjé, and are shunned if they do. Gypsy men occasionally take European wives, but the woman must promise to adopt Gypsy ways... Gypsy girls... traditionally marry between the ages of 14 and 17. Pregnancies are one week shorter than among European women, and children are smaller at birth... Dr. Čvorović does not provide an overall estimate of current Gypsy fertility, but gives local figures: 3.0 children per woman in Bulgaria, 3.03 in Serbia, 3.12 in Hungary, 3.2 in Bratislava, 3.3 to 3.7 for “some” groups in Romania, 3.9 in Croatia, and 4.3 in Eastern Slovakia. Both the Gypsies and the problems associated with them will multiply in the coming years... Marriage among close relatives means a high proportion of recessive syndromes, and Gypsy mothers often resist efforts to vaccinate their children. Dr. Čvorović is an expert on Gypsy IQ; she wrote four papers on Serbian Gypsy IQ with Prof. Rushton. She reports that the highest national IQ for Gypsies is 85 in Slovenia, comparable to American blacks. Other figures are 83 for Slovakia, 70 for Serbia, and 60 for Romania – this last figure is among the lowest recorded for any population, anywhere... Many Gypsies are illiterate, and though most Gypsy children now start school, their attendance is irregular: "When they do show up, they often arrive without the necessary learning materials, since they regard them as irrelevant and neither they nor their parents know how to use them. During lessons, when they [lose interest], they stand up and walk around or shout at their classmates. Eventually they just stay away from school altogether." Occasionally they are forced out. In England, the rate of temporary suspensions and permanent expulsions is higher for Gypsies than for any other group, including blacks. East European communist governments and their successors put Gypsy children in special schools, either restricted to Gypsies, or together with learning-disabled European children... As the Gypsy share of the population grows, Europeans may stop seeing them as objects of charity and consider them dangerous demographic competitors. source: http://www.amren.com/features/2014/11/europes-first-underclass/

Sometime in the 4th century AD, a large group of Indians, called Doma, started wandering through the world. Roughly 900 years ago, some of them reached Europe. During the course of the last 900 years, most of them have lived a rather nomadic lifestyle though as time went by, more of them settled in one country or another and thus their culture and their language have undergone alterations as the Doma mixed with the local cultures. The people are now called the Roma but only until the EU and political correctness hit Europe. Until early 1990s, all languages except English (which labeled them Gypsies) called them using variations of the term zigenare. Zingari, in Italy, țigani in Romania, ciganyok in Hungary or tsyganskiy in Russia are terms largely known and accepted by everyone, including by gypsies, as the correct term to identify this ethnic group. But one day, ideologues decided that țigani is an offensive term and forced everyone to use the term Roma (or Romani) because allegedly that is a better term. 900 years of history didn’t matter. The trouble is that a significant proportion of gypsies have ailed to integrate despite being welcomed as refugees from Indian oppression. The mainstream media call this failure of integration racism although almost all gypsy celebrities disagree and talk about differences in culture. Gypsy culture recommends child marriage, tends to excuse theft in various instances and ignores a whole set of behaviors that have been unacceptable in European culture, at least for the past 100 years... The Iron Curtain kept most gypsies in Eastern and Central Europe and individual nations dealt with the issue in various ways. Gypsies were undoubtedly beneficiaries of Communism in the Eastern Block since Communism forced them all to go to school, gave them clean housing, forced them to maintain it, provided them with jobs. These benefits were provided at the expense of more productive individuals due to the communist obsession with absolute equality. After the fall of communism, some of the practices introduced by communism were maintained as effective ways of combating crime among gypsies. However, soon the EU began leveling racism accusations against nations that forced gypsies to go to school, maintained a large police presence in gypsy neighborhoods or maintained other measures that had proved effective. A number of countries gradually lifted such policies... As part of this initiative, suddenly, it was now entirely possible for a non-gypsy Romanian to find himself bypassed when seeking employment of education by less qualified gypsies. When people protested, they were once again reviled as racists and told to enjoy the blessings of positive discrimination. The police was told not to keep large forces in gypsy neighborhoods. When gangs of gypsies attacked others to steal their possessions, it was presented as community conflicts and if the victims tried to defend themselves, it was explained as hate crimes. If police tried to maintain order, it was described as police brutality and when 13-year-old boys were married to 12-year-old girls, it was lauded as cultural diversity... Gypsies now make up the majority of prisoners in Romania though they are only 5 percent of the population... Common sense would tell us that gypsies don’t really want to work. But common sense is now politically incorrect and it is forbidden by law to even talk about any gypsy problem in Romania. To add salt to the wound, the EU has forced the European states to open their borders so that gypsies can move to any country of their choice... If the police are profiling some people for criminal activities, they don’t profile them for being gypsies, they profile them for being criminals. Right now, in Romania, the police can be charged with racial profiling if they dare to profile a gypsy and social workers can be fired for racism if they dare to stick around gypsy communities to make sure that no cases of child marriage occur. source: http://www.d-intl.com/2013/10/01/how-the-eu-forced-a-gypsy-problem-on-europe/?lang=en

To examine whether the Roma (Gypsy) population of Serbia, like other South Asian population groups, average lower than Europeans on g, the general factor of intelligence, we tested 323 16- to 66-year-olds (111 males; 212 females) in three different communities over a two-year-period on the Raven's Colored and/or Standard Progressive Matrices and four measures of executive function. Out of the total of 60 Matrices, the Roma solved an average of 29, placing them at the 3rd percentile on 1993 U.S. norms, yielding an IQ equivalent of 70. On the executive function tests, the Roma averaged at about the level of Serbian 10-year-olds. The Matrices showed a small mean sex difference favoring males. source: http://tinyurl.com/2vo6rad

Gypsies are only 0.1% of U.K. population, but they are 5% of prisoners in U.K. jails. source: http://www.theafricom.com/prison-service-reports-gypsy-crime-at-all-time-high-government-yet-to-offer-practical-solution-for-change/

Gypsy thieves swarm around tourists in Paris: www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2609769/

Last edited by polka23dot on Fri Dec 12, 2014 6:47 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Racial problems Empty Racial problems in USA

Post  polka23dot Thu Nov 20, 2014 3:57 am

Fifty years after the cataclysmic riots of the 1960s, rioting is still regarded as virtually a black entitlement. No one is “bracing,” in press parlance, for white riots or police violence should Officer Wilson be indicted. Nor were there preparations for Asian riots last month in Los Angeles as a jury heard a murder case against a 22-year-old thug from South Central L.A., who, along with an accomplice, had shot two Chinese engineering students attending the University of Southern California in 2012... The mantra of the Ferguson protests is “stop killing us.” Amazingly, this command is directed at police officers, not at black criminals. In 2013, there were 6,261 black homicide victims in the United States. The police kill roughly 400 individuals a year, most of them armed and dangerous, out of about 40 million police-civilian contacts. If the police eliminated all fatal shootings, it would have almost no impact on the black homicide risk. The killers of those black homicide victims are overwhelmingly other blacks, resulting in a death rate in inner cities that is ten times higher for blacks than for whites... A black-separatist group has offered a $5,000 bounty for the location of Officer Wilson. Wilson’s life is effectively destroyed. source: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/392952/bracing-violence-ferguson-heather-mac-donald

Darren Wilson, the officer who shot and killed Michael Brown, resigned from the Ferguson Police Department Saturday because he was told of "credible threats" to the department and officers — and the city has now "severed ties" with him. Wilson's attorney, Neil Bruntrager, told NBC News that Wilson submitted his resignation "two minutes after" Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson told him of the threats. source: www.nbcnews.com/storyline/michael-brown-shooting/darren-n258516

James Watson, the world-famous biologist who was shunned by the scientific community after linking intelligence to race, said he is selling his Nobel Prize because he is short of money after being made a pariah. Mr. Watson said he is auctioning the Nobel Prize medal he won in 1962 for discovering the structure of DNA, because "no-one really wants to admit I exist"... Mr. Watson said his income had plummeted following his controversial remarks in 2007, which forced him to retire from the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory on Long Island, New York. He still holds the position of chancellor emeritus there. “Because I was an ‘unperson’ I was fired from the boards of companies, so I have no income, apart from my academic income,” he said. source: www.telegraph.co.uk/news/science/11261872/James-exist.html

Protesters in Ferguson have been threatening to rape the wives of front line police and kill their children during the latest clashes... Many police officers' families in Ferguson, Missouri, were reported to be in hiding or running from town amid death and assault threats. One police wife told KTVI that she's received threats over the phone and she's been paranoid for her and her young daughter's safety ever since. source: www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2844457/

What do we want? Darren Wilson! How do we want him? Dead: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/393195/ferguson-protesters-erupt-outside-police-department-what-do-we-want-darren-wilson-how

U.S. media murdered two policemen: http://www.amren.com/news/2014/12/the-media-murder-two-police-officers/

NYPD traffic tickets and summonses for minor offenses have dropped off by a staggering 94 percent following the execution of two cops — as officers feel betrayed by the mayor and fear for their safety. source: http://nypost.com/2014/12/29/arrests-plummet-following-execution-of-two-cops/

Griggs v. Duke Power Co., 401 U.S. 424 (1971), was a court case argued before the Supreme Court of the United States on December 14, 1970. It concerned employment discrimination and the adverse impact theory and was decided on March 8, 1971... After the passage of the Civil Rights Act the company removed its racial restriction, but retained the high school diploma requirement, and added the requirement of an IQ test as well as the diploma. Black applicants, less likely to hold a high school diploma and averaging lower scores on the IQ tests, were selected at a much lower rate for these positions compared to white candidates... Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibits employment tests (when used as a decisive factor in employment decisions) that are not a "reasonable measure of job performance," regardless of the absence of actual intent to discriminate. Since the aptitude tests involved, and the high school diploma requirement, were broad-based and not directly related to the jobs performed, Duke Power's employee transfer procedure was found by the Court to be in violation of the Act. source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Griggs_v._Duke_Power_Co.

New York City Negroids - What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now! video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dj4ARsxrZh8

(Caucasoid) teen in Ohio says she was ambushed by six (Negroid) women who took turns brutally beating her on Christmas Eve — then spread photos and videos of the attack on social media to humiliate her. Cheyanne Willis, 19, says she was pulling into the parking lot of a suburban Cincinnati mall with her then boyfriend, Quincy Gardner, when he parked and pulled her out of the car. A group of six women, including two she knows, was waiting for her and allegedly took turns kicking and beating Willis, slamming her face on a car hood and shaving her head. source: www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2894556/

A white Seattle police officer was suspended without pay for 15 days for using what the department determined to be a racial slur during her pursuit of a black domestic violence suspect in October 2013. Police dash cam video captured Seattle police officer Jennifer Hunt chasing the suspect through downtown Seattle and then yelling at the 32-year-old man, “You’re gonna get your ass shot, boy!” source: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2015/01/15/white-officer-was-suspended-without-pay-for-calling-black-suspect-completely-unacceptable-word-but-its-probably-not-what-you-think/

(Delray Beach, U.S.) police officers approached a birthday party at a house in the Southwest neighborhood. It lead to a 50-plus person melee that included a group of (Negroid) people forming a human shield to keep officers from a (Negroid) man who police wanted to detain. source: http://www.sun-sentinel.com/local/palm-beach/delray-beach/fl-delray-melee-follo-20141231-story.html

The U.S. oldest black college, Cheyney University, one of Pennsylvania's 14 state-run universities, is on the verge of a financial meltdown... Its four-year graduation rate is just 9 percent. source: http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/12/17/us-usa-pennsylvania-college-idUSKBN0JV2S520141217

Zaria Estes (female Negroid)... attacked Abbey Luffey, (Female Caucasoid) Temple University (U.S.) student, last March as Luffey walked with her boyfriend on the edge of campus. As she and her friends hunted prey for their sadistic game of "knock a bitch down," Estes bashed Luffey in the face with a brick, leaving her with a broken jaw, palate and teeth - and a shattered sense of security... Court Judge Michael Erdos... ordered Estes to serve two-and-a-half to six years in a state prison, followed by four years of probation. source: http://www.philly.com/philly/news/20150114_Girl__16__sentenced_to_state_prison_for_brick-bash_attack.html

The Rev. Al Sharpton was left fuming mad after the Oscars revealed its all-white list of nominees for this year's Oscar awards on Thursday... "I have called an emergency meeting early next week in Hollywood with the task force to discuss possible action around the Academy Awards," he said. source: http://www.businessinsider.com/al-sharpton-blasts-appalling-oscars-2015-1

George Soros gave at least $33 million to Ferguson rioters and their supporters: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/jan/14/george-soros-funds-ferguson-protests-hopes-to-spur/

Gary, Indiana is American ghost town: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BkTAYzbBIOA

Negroid Omaha state senator Ernie Chambers said all white people are racist and that his blood was “polluted” by white people. source: http://watchdog.org/196917/ernie-chambers-2/

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke is a Negroid. He said that attorney general Eric Holder is guilty of race-baiting, and that Al Sharpton "oughta shut up and go back into the gutter that he came from." video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiMfKkD6q7Y

Texas – Idalou Independent School District are apologizing to nearby Slaton schools and dispelling charges of racism after fans chanted “USA! USA! USA!” following a girls basketball victory last week. The chanting, which took place after the Idalou Wildcats bested the Slaton Tigers Tuesday, was perceived as racist because the Slaton Independent School District is comprised of 74 percent Hispanic and 7 percent African American students... source: http://eagnews.org/texas-school-apologizes-for-students-racist-u-s-a-chant-after-basketball-win/

Nonwhite congregations made up 20 percent of U.S. Southern Baptist Convention's nearly 51,000 congregations in 2012, the most recent year statistics are available from the denomination. But less than 1 percent of those congregations are multiethnic. The vast majority of Southern Baptists attend a church predominantly filled by people of their own race, be it black, white or Hispanic. The situation is nearly identical in most Christian denominations in the United States. source: http://news.yahoo.com/southern-baptist-leaders-call-integrated-churches-153945214.html

Negroid U.S. policeman (Braheme Days) shot to death unarmed U.S. Negroid (Jerame Reid) who raised his hands and surrendered. The policeman fired at least six shots. There are no riots because the policeman is a Negroid. source: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/video-man-shot-dead-by-new-jersey-police-had-hands-raised/

New York City subway is racial hell on wheels: http://www.amren.com/archives/back-issues/january-1997/

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Racial problems Empty Re: Racial problems

Post  polka23dot Fri Nov 04, 2016 7:42 am

Jared Taylor explains diversity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3pwIez-4go

Philippe Rushton explains sociobiology: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fF6_MJCo-M

Whites support Trump by 53 to 39 percent; nonwhites favor Clinton, 72 to 21 percent... College-educated white women, consistently strong for Clinton all year, now back her by 59 to 32 percent. Non-college-educated white men, steadily one of Trump’s best groups, support him 64 to 26 percent. White men with a college degree continue to divide closely, making them a battleground group. source: http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/beneath-close-election-contest-lie-deep-rifts-groups/story?id=43253122

Long-term harmonious relations between a racial majority and racial minorities are possible only when the minorities do not exceed a certain percentage of the population. While individuals of different races living in the same society can get along on a basis of equality and mutual recognition, entire races, living in the same society, cannot. In the right circumstances, individuals or small groups of one people can be assimilated into a host culture of a different people, but there are limits to such assimilation. Certainly if the entire people associated with the host culture is displaced or swamped by a different people, the host culture will also disappear. Even smaller shifts in numbers can be enough to delegitimize the host culture and produce chronic cultural conflict. Therefore, the culture, identity and traditions of white America and Western civilization cannot survive in any community or institution that becomes multiracial or white-minority. Because of the greater attractiveness, prosperity and openness of white Western societies, nonwhites will keep moving into them as long as they can. Therefore white America can survive demographically and culturally only if it recognizes itself as a threatened ethnoculture; if it ceases or drastically reduces, on a national scale, all non-European immigration; and if it assures, on a local scale, communities where its own institutions may survive. The large and enduring differences in average intelligence between blacks and whites mean, first, that blacks on their own can never be expected to maintain a modern, democratic, civilized society; and second, that blacks can never be expected to achieve collective economic equality and other kinds of parity with whites. The forced attempt to achieve such collective equality, through affirmative action and through endless attacks on white racism as the supposed cause of existing inequalities, can only break down all the institutions and standards of society and lead to race warfare. There are therefore only two sane options for black-white relations in this country. Either blacks accept the above facts; accept a society where white Western standards of law, behavior and intellectual life are dominant and where advancement will be open for blacks only on an individual, not a collective basis; accept their status as an ethnic minority and be grateful to be living in a white society where they have goods and opportunities undreamed of in a black society; or else, if blacks are not willing to accept these things, then to avoid race warfare there must be peaceful separation between the races. source: http://www.amren.com/news/2016/11/multiculturalism-and-the-war-against-white-america-anti-white-racism-lawrence-auster/

I attended high school in Chicago. I could write a book on blacks. But since I have only 200 words, I’ll give one example. In the school lunchroom, blacks would push the lunch trays of whites to the floor. Ruining whites’ lunches and costing them money did not give them enough satisfaction, however. Next, they would order the white victim to clean up the mess. Since the whites were terrified of the blacks, they’d always meekly obey while the blacks watched and laughed. One day a brave white girl —  a friend of mind — refused to clean up the mess. The blacks became increasingly enraged at her gall. Things began to escalate and it looked like there’d be a riot. A white teacher ran up, terrified. “For the love of God, clean up the mess!” she begged the girl. “Don’t antagonize them or they’ll riot!” The principal? He’d lock himself inside his office when there was trouble. When my friend’s mom called him to complain about this incident, he said, “If we discipline them, they’ll scream racism.” source: https://www.amren.com/commentary/2017/01/alt-right-red-pill-anti-white-racism/

I learned Spanish and went to live in Mexico for a year after dropping out of college. I was amazed at the corruption. I had to pay many bribes to police despite having done nothing wrong. Ordinary people were very dishonest, too... In 1993 I was living in South Texas. I worked late one evening, and as I was driving home in the dark a carload of Mexican kids forced me off the road and attacked me with baseball bats. They nearly killed me. Of the many cars that drove by, one elderly couple stopped, and with flashing lights and honking horn, scared the Mexicans away. The couple was, of course, white. They were apologetic for having wisely stayed in their car with the doors locked, but since they probably saved my life I felt extremely grateful to them. The Mexican cop who arrived found my situation humorous, and chuckled and spoke Spanish with the emergency medical technicians (Mexican also) who treated me. At the hospital, X-rays showed that, amazingly, my skull was not fractured. I had a concussion, a lacerated cornea, and needed 30-odd stitches to resecure my scalp, but I lived. To follow up on my case I was to contact “Sgt. Rodriguez.” I called a dozen times, but he was never there and never returned my calls. A friend from work knew a former Texas Ranger, then a private investigator. The PI laughed at me for going through channels. The police report had pretty well described the perpetrators (thanks to the elderly couple – I was a little foggy) and the car, including license number. He suggested that for $500 he could get another Mexican gang to kill my assailants. I didn’t care to end up in front of a Mexican jury, so I tried to put the whole thing out of my mind. It cost me about $1,000 in medical expenses after my insurance paid its share. source: https://www.amren.com/news/2009/07/how_i_saw_the_l/

George Ciccariello-Maher, a white assistant professor of history and politics at the Philadelphia university, posted "All I Want for Christmas is White Genocide" on Twitter on Christmas Eve, according to media reports. He followed up on Sunday by tweeting, "To clarify: when the whites were massacred during the Haitian revolution, that was a good thing indeed." source: www.reuters.com/article/us-idUSKBN14F154

White officers (euphemism for policemen) are significantly less likely than black officers to kill black suspects, and they are not statistically significantly different from Hispanic, other race, and unknown race police officers... Black officers are significantly more likely than white officers to shoot a black suspect. source: https://www.gmu.edu/centers/publicchoice/wed%20seminars/fall%202016%20papers/1026_lott.pdf

I am a 21-year-old black man. I am an atheist, a registered Republican, and a member of Mensa. Already a minority within a minority within a minority, I have yet another idiosyncrasy that puts me in an even more unusual category: I am a race realist. I believe that consistently observed racial disparities in societal outcomes are largely rooted in genetic differences, primarily differences in average levels of intelligence... I am now amused by how difficult it is to separate behavior that is stereotypically black from behavior that is generally associated with low IQ: making poor life decisions, failing in school, getting in trouble with the law, being loud and obnoxious, speaking poorly, promoting destructive and ignorant behavior, etc. Conversely, it is difficult to distinguish behavior that is “white” from behavior that reflects high IQ: being polite and civilized, showing emotional restraint, working hard, speaking articulately, being educated, being goal-oriented, listening to classical music, etc. It’s as though everyone subconsciously picks up on the IQ differences even if they don’t explicitly realize that what they’re noticing is different levels of intelligence... I got my own DNA tested. I found out that I am 25 percent European — which is to be expected among American blacks. More interestingly, I learned that I was in the 96th percentile for Neanderthal ancestry among African-Americans. I find it amusing that I’ve so often had my blackness questioned; I’m unusually high in genetic material that is completely absent from pure Africans... Here are a few observations by blacks that have stuck in my mind. “Most of the people who were popular in my high school are either dead or in jail.” — my aunt “This area was so nice when white people lived here.” — my grandmother, driving through a black ghetto “I have been called ‘white’ my entire life. It’s a shame that just because I didn’t get high, skip class, and steal from the corner store I was thought of as a lame individual.” — a female cousin “It’s not too often we get a young brother like you here. You’re proper. Most of the young black men I know besides you are thugs.” — a middle-aged black man I met during a summer internship “N*ggers are terrible.” — my father, who often comes into contact with ghetto blacks in his line of work “If it’s stupid, they like it.” — my grandmother, referring to young black people “Why do we always have to come up with dumb shit?” — my extremely militant and pro-black uncle, lamenting black people’s proclivity for ignorance... I now have no doubt about race realism. All the lines of evidence, from history to life experience, point to the same conclusion. All the usual excuses for black dysfunction are epiphenomenal and stem from the basic fact of lower average black IQ. Others viewed us as inferior because we never developed the wheel, a written language, a calendar, a mechanical device, or a two-story building. Slavery happened because whites (and Arabs before them) were able to enslave blacks; they had better technology and capitalized on the lack of black cohesion. Historians estimate that 90 percent of the slaves shipped to the New World were first enslaved by other Africans. (This is also consistent with Phil Rushton’s application of r/K theory; Africans have always shown low in-group preference.) All the usual explanations for black failure melt away once the fact of lower IQ is acknowledged. Anti-intellectual culture, poverty, bad schools, single-parent families, lack of role models, you name it—they are exactly what you would expect in a population with a lower average level of intelligence. I certainly have learned much more about how the world actually works from great men like Phil Rushton, Richard Lynn, Steve Sailer, and Jared Taylor than I have ever learned from hucksters like Ta-Nehisi Coates, Jesse Jackson, or Al Sharpton... I am free of any resentment against whites, for no matter how bad slavery, Jim Crow, or any other misdeed that whites are frequently made to feel guilty for, blacks around the world are infinitely better off than they would have been if whites had simply left them alone to live in mud huts and tote spears in Africa. source: https://www.amren.com/features/2017/01/young-black-man-became-race-realist/

"Most scientific discoveries have originated from Europe, and Europeans have won 20 times more Nobel Prizes than have Northeast Asians. We argue that this is explained not by IQ, but by interracial personality differences, underpinned by differences in gene distribution. In particular, the variance in scientific achievement is explained by differences in inquisitiveness (DRD4 7-repeat), psychological stability (5HTTLPR long form), and individualism (mu-opioid receptor gene; OPRM1 G allele). Northeast Asians tend to be lower in these psychological traits, which we argue are necessary for exceptional scientific accomplishments." - Kenya Kura, Jan te Nijenhuis, and Edward Dutton | source: Kura, K., te Nijenhuis, J., & Dutton, E. (2015) Why do Northeast Asians win so few Nobel Prizes? Comprehensive Psychology, 4, 15. source: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.2466/04.17.CP.4.15

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