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Immigration      Empty Immigration

Post  polka23dot Tue Feb 26, 2013 4:27 pm

Come to the USA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgOHOHKBEqE

Blanda Upp means “mix it up” in Swedish. It is a music video about race mixing. It was made by Swedish public television (SVT).
Short version (work in progress): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThPNROzczJE
Longer, final version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCDMGu-xi30
Final version, high resolution with English subtitles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLFPe3EWlKE
Final version, low resolution with English subtitles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Lh8FHMmVPQ

A majority of western Europeans are in favour of ending the free movement of people across borders as the migration crisis escalates, according to a new poll. The IFOP poll, conducted in several European countries and published in the newspaper Le Figaro, shows 67 per cent of the French would like to reinstate border controls. They want to scrap the Schengen Agreement, which allows people to travel without passports in 26 European countries, including 22 EU member-states as well as Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein. Britain has opted out of the agreement and still controls its borders, but 63 per cent of Britons would like to see border checks reinstated in Europe. A majority of Italians and Germans would also favour such a move, with 56 per cent of Italians and 53 per cent of Germans wanting to scrap the Schengen treaties. source: www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/eu/11734074/W-s.html

As U.S. census data projects that immigration will soon exceed all documented historical records, not one Republican leader in Congress supports the popular step of reducing immigration. Each year the United States admits one million people with green cards, their dependents and refugees, as well as half a million foreign youths sought by college administrators. Census data projects that, if visas are not slashed or halted, another 14 million immigrant settlers will arrive in the U.S. over the next decade. Polls from Fox News and Gallup show that Americans — by a 2-to-1 ratio — want to see visa issuances reduced. A 2012 Pew Poll found that 69 percent of Americans want to place greater restrictions on who was allowed into the United States. source: http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/07/31/no-congressional-gop-leaders-will-support-reducing-immigration/

income inequality: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWUIKdLKQtE

history of American immigration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCqQgJ3atNU

Bill Whittle - illegal immigration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnTus_i2aZI

spectacular success of Australian immigration policy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEzNFAdZjmo

Numbers USA is the nation's largest grassroots immigration-reduction organization with more than two million participants in all 435 congressional districts: https://www.numbersusa.com/

Refugee Resettlement Watch: http://refugeeresettlementwatch.wordpress.com/

Americans for Legal Immigration PAC: http://www.alipac.us/

Elin Krantz (1983-2010) was a Swedish multikulti woman. She was raped and killed by a Ethiopian refugee named Ephrem Tadele Yohannes: http://www.wvwnews.net/content/index.php?/news_story/who_was_ellen_krantz.html
Click the pictures to see them at high-resolution: http://www.documentingreality.com/forum/f10/swedish-girl-raped-killed-74709/

Majority of U.S. citizens say illegal immigrants should be deported: http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/21/us-usa-immigration-idUSBRE91K01A20130221

The border between Mexico and USA exists on paper only. Osama bin Laden can walk across the border: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fB37TCDcZBg

Article 33 of Mexico's constitution establishes the right of the president to detain and deport "any foreigner" and prohibits foreigners from participating "in any way" in the political affairs of the country. While you read this passage, dwell on the demagogic rhetoric of meddling Mexican consular officials and lobbyists who assail America for its (poorly enforced) detention and deportation policies: "The President of the Republic shall have the power to expel from national territory any foreigner, according to the law and after a hearing. The law shall establish the administrative procedure for this purpose, as well as the place where the foreigner should be detained and the time for that. Foreigners may not in any way participate in the political affairs of the country." Article 32 of Mexico's constitution unapologetically bans non-native born residents from holding sensitive jobs and joining the country's military. Preference is given unabashedly to Mexicans over foreigners. While you read this passage, contemplate the inexorable push by open-borders groups to secure illegal alien "rights" to American jobs, American military assignments, American driver's licenses, discounted U.S. college tuition and Obamacare: "Only Mexicans by birth can perform all government employments, positions, or commissions in which the status of citizenship is indispensable. During peacetime, foreigners shall neither serve in the Army nor in the police bodies. During peacetime, only Mexicans by birth can serve in the Army, in the Navy or in the Air Force as well can perform any employment or commission within such corporations. The same condition applies to captains, pilots, skippers, ship engineers, flight engineers and, in general, to every crew member in a ship or an airplane carrying the Mexican flag. In the same way, only Mexicans by birth can be port harbormasters, steersmen and airport superintendents. Mexicans shall have priority over foreigners, under equal circumstances, for all kind of concessions, employments, positions or commissions of the government in which the status of citizenship is not indispensable." While amnesty advocates and civil liberties zealots in the U.S. decry "police state" tactics against illegal aliens, Mexico fiercely maintains laws against illegal border crossings; "verification visits" to enforce visa conditions; requirements that foreigners produce proof of legal status on demand; and enforcement and cooperation between and among immigration officials and law enforcement authorities at all levels in Mexico. Native-born Mexicans are also empowered to make citizens arrests of illegal aliens and turn them in to authorities. source: http://cnsnews.com/blog/michelle-malkin/reminder-how-mexico-treats-undesirable-foreigners

Teddy Kennedy's 1965 immigration act so dramatically altered the kinds of immigrants America admits that, since 1969, about 85 percent of legal immigrants have come from the Third World. They bring Third World levels of poverty, fertility, illegitimacy and domestic violence with them. When they can't make it in America, they simply go on welfare and sometimes strike out at Americans. source: www.anncoulter.com/columns/2013-04-24.html

The proportion of minority groups living in Britain will rise from 10% in 2006 to 40% by 2050. source: http://www.asianimage.co.uk/news/10394660.UK__will_be_40__ethnic_minorities_by_2050_/

The average IQ of immigrants in the United States is substantially lower than that of the white native population, and the difference is likely to persist over several generations. The consequences are a lack of socioeconomic assimilation among low-IQ immigrant groups, more underclass behavior, less social trust, and an increase in the proportion of unskilled workers in the American labor market. source: http://www.scribd.com/doc/140239668/IQ-and-Immigration-Policy-Jason-Richwine

California's Latinos are now a majority, lagging in academic achievement: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/12/22/california-latinos-now-majority-lagging-in-academic-achievement/

The little yellow buses line up every morning outside Harrison Education Center in north Minneapolis, discharging dozens of teenagers to a high school no parents choose for their child. Classrooms are kept locked at all times. Fights and suspensions are common. No one has graduated in a couple of years. The school is where Minneapolis sends special education students with the worst behavior problems, kids who typically failed everywhere else they went. Administrators say the high school is supposed to be a temporary stop for students to learn self-control before going back to a less restrictive setting. But few ever leave. And nearly 90 percent of the students are black. source: http://www.startribune.com/local/minneapolis/235894231.html

Japan's battle with rising tide of illegal Chinese immigrants: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sENyIKpDdRg

President Obama has unilaterally changed the immigration law to allow asylum-seekers and refugees who provided “limited material support” to terrorists, to immigrate to the US. source: http://www.frontpagemag.com/2014/nonie-darwish/jihad-migrating-to-red-states-with-obamas-blessing/

Malaysian officials revealed the Maritime Enforcement Agency has for the first time intercepted boat people returning from Indonesia to Malaysia across the Malacca Straits because they could not get to Australia. The official in charge of Malaysia's operations described it as a complete "reversal" of the people smuggling trade, claiming it was a direct result of Australia's Operation Sovereign Borders. source: http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/national/the-tide-of-asylum-seeker-misery-is-finally-turning-around-mass-exodus-to-malaysia-shows-the-federal-governments-policy-is-working/story-fni0xqrc-1226820087354

Voters in Switzerland have approved a proposal to curb immigration. (Norway and Denmark have similar laws.) source: http://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/swiss_news/Swiss_agree_to_curb_immigration_and_rethink_EU_deal_.html?cid=37877780

Swiss politician explains why Switzerland does not welcome Muslim invaders (pretending to be immigrants): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fvx6BuDt4eg

The UN is pressuring Israel to accept as asylum seekers some 60,000 Africans who are illegally in Israel. Nor surprisingly Israel refuses to do this because most Israelis will vote against any politician who does anything to keep the illegal migrants in Israel. While illegals from non-African countries can usually be sent back, African countries demand large bribes to do so. African rulers who accept illegal migrants back also earn a lot of ill-will from their own people, who see migration (legal or otherwise) as a right. Israel is trying to bribe the illegal migrants to go home, which is having some success. But for many of these Africans, going home is not an option because back home there is only poverty and oppressive government. All this is a side effect of the Palestinian terror campaign begun in 2000 to try and get better peace terms out of Israel. This campaign failed but it resulted in Israel sealing off Israel from the Palestinian territories. Since Israel could no longer trust Palestinian workers to cross from the West Bank without some suicide bombers coming with them foreign workers were brought in to replace over 100,000 Palestinians. This encouraged many Africans to try and sneak in. Egyptian smugglers soon had a thriving business. The smugglers charged migrants (mostly Africans) about $300 (initially, much more later) each to get them across the border. The smugglers also bring in illegal drugs. By 2010 there were about 250,000 foreign workers in Israel (40 percent of them illegal), and at least 5,000 additional illegals getting in each year. Most of those jobs would have been held by Palestinians were it not for the Palestinian terror campaign, which is still going on. source: http://www.strategypage.com/htmw/htmurph/articles/20140209.aspx

Israel has begun to send African asylum seekers to Uganda... Asylum seekers incarcerated at Saharonim or at the Holot detention facility say representatives of the Population and Immigration Authority are pressuring them to sign “voluntary departure” forms and are specifically mentioning the possibility of moving to Uganda... According to the cabinet decision, all asylum seekers from Africa who leave the country by the end of the month via the “voluntary departure” procedure will receive a $3,500 grant. source: http://www.haaretz.com/news/national/1.575028

“I had just come from the Ivory Coast, which, by West African standards, was wealthy and well run. As soon as I crossed the border into Liberia, the road was full of huge potholes, the buildings were shacks, and the people were in rags. I always made a practice when visiting a new country to go to the main university in the capital and find smart people to talk to. At the University of Liberia, I asked a student why Ivory Coast was well run but Liberia was a wreck. Without a pause, he said, ‘It's because we did not have the benefit of being colonized by the French.’ At that time I was still a liberal on race, and his answer hit me like a thunderbolt... The United States actually had a melting pot that produced a new, American alloy so long as the ingredients were European... Our increasingly Third-World and unproductive population will force more cities into bankruptcy, and the federal government will lurch from crisis to crisis... There will still be pockets of white civility, but only for the wealthy... We will slowly lose the public trust and moral infrastructure that prevents bribery, nepotism, kickbacks, and government looting. Politicians will begin to buy and rig elections, especially at the local level... There are powerful organizations, such as the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center, that do their best to silence me. If I am on a television or radio program, they call the producer to explain that despite my reasonable tone I am a ‘hate-monger’ who must not be allowed on the air again. If they learn that I have been invited to give a talk, they call the organization that invited me and try to persuade it to cancel the talk. At first, I was astonished by this kind of thuggery. Americans claim to be devoted to free speech, but they are not. It is disgraceful that organizations whose purpose is not to refute their opponents but simply to squash and silence them have any credibility at all. And yet the media routinely cite these groups as if they were so blissfully wise that they can read my mind and tell you what I really think.” - Jared Taylor (source: http://www.americanthinker.com/2014/04/every_man_his_own_commissar_jared_taylor_and_the_politics_of_race.html)

The profound crisis in European social democracy is evident at the Gare du Nord, the big Paris railway station just on the northern edge of the city. I arrived there a few days ago half an hour early for a train to Brussels and waited patiently inside the station but outside the platform areas. Every 90 seconds or so, I was approached by a beggar. It is not just in the Gare du Nord that you see beggars in Paris. Strolling along the ritzy, chic Boulevard Saint-Germain after dinner I witness a veritable parade of beggars... The beggars at the Gare du Nord offer another clue. Well over half of them are identifiably Muslim, women in headscarfs, men of North African appearance... France rejects about 75 per cent of asylum claims. But when I ask an official about what happens to those whose claims are rejected, he just shrugs. There is at the moment very little systematic effort to remove people whose asylum claims have failed. At the same time, huge numbers of people can transact marriages, fake or real, to acquire legal status. The only two parts of a legal immigration program France has really run have been asylum-seekers and family reunion. This has led, as French officials readily concede in private, to a perversion of the asylum system. What was meant to be a mechanism to protect people from specific persecution has become a generalised system of mass migration, wholly self-selected... Immigration works best when people are attracted by the opportunity to work and prosper, and when they are attracted by a society's values to the extent that they wish to join that society. It works worst when they are attracted by the opportunity to access generous welfare payments and when they come with, or develop after arrival, deep hostility to the host society's values. There are now some hundreds of French citizens fighting for al-Qa'ida-linked groups in Syria and one day almost all of them will return to France with a new edge to their ideology and new capabilities. The French security state is highly capable, but it is likely to be at full stretch. source:

The resistance that the French National Front and similar European political parties embody stems from the fact that not all of the continent’s immigrants have become integrated into their societies. To the contrary, some have segregated themselves from their native neighbors and do not identify with the countries in which they live. Governments inadvertently encouraged this through policies of “multiculturalism,” which put a low value on learning the local language, adopting the local customs, and absorbing the local values. The impulse to live apart also came from within the communities of immigrants, especially those of the Islamic faith. The United States has attracted many more immigrants than Europe, for far longer, and has done much better at assimilating them. The fear that immigrants will change the national culture has arisen in America as well as in Europe, but the current political backlash has a novel characteristic. It has drawn much of its energy from the fact that many of the people coming to the United States from Mexico and Central American entered the country illegally, by sneaking across its southern border... The politics of immigration differ on the two sides of the Atlantic as well. The political cleavages over the issue in Europe tend to divide not so much the left from the right as the political elites from much of the rest of society. A 2010 book written by Thilo Sarrazin, a governor of the German central bank, titled Deutschland schafft sich ab — “Germany Is Abolishing Itself” — illustrated the cleavage. It argued that immigrants were doing serious damage to Germany and advocated restrictions on immigration. The book provoked two telling reactions. The public bought the book, making it the best-selling volume by a German author in a decade. The political establishment responded differently: Sarrazin was fired from his position at the central bank for having given voice to unacceptable ideas. Mainstream political parties across the continent, conscious of Europe’s brutal 20th-century treatment of minorities, have, like the German central bank, often considered opposition to immigration outside the bounds of acceptable policy. This has left the issue to less well-established, less respectable parties such as the French National Front, which is the reason the political fortunes of such parties have prospered. In the United States, the division over illegal immigrants runs not between the two major parties but within each of them. Within the Democratic Party, Hispanic groups and professional politicians have sought to confer legal status and eventually citizenship on the illegals out of ethnic solidarity in the first case and the belief that the beneficiaries will vote for Democrats in the second. Labor unions, on the other hand, an important part of the Democratic coalition, resist such generosity because immigrants are willing to work for low pay and in so doing depress the wages of union members. Many rank-and-file Republicans oppose legislation granting legal status to illegal immigrants because they do not want to reward law-breaking. Many businessmen in industries such as meat processing and construction, by contrast, who also support the Republican Party, employ such immigrants to lower costs and raise their profits. source: www.theepochtimes.com/n3/663546-how-two-sides-of-the-atlantic-approach-immigration/

The extremely strict laws have dramatically reduced the flow of people into Denmark in recent years, and many government figures are delighted with the outcome... By tightening immigration laws, Denmark has saved €6.7 billion ($10 billion) over the last 10 years, money which otherwise would supposedly have been spent on social benefits or housing. According to the figures, migrants from non-Western countries who did manage to come to Denmark have cost the state €2.3 billion, while those from the West have actually contributed €295 million to government coffers... The small Scandinavian country already has the strictest immigration and asylum laws in Europe. For example, foreign couples are only allowed to marry if both partners are at least 24 years old. The number of asylum seekers and relatives of immigrants seeking entry into Denmark dropped by more than two-thirds within nine years as a result of the tough laws... In November, the government agreed to stricter laws and made the entry of immigrants' spouses more difficult. Only those who collect enough "points" may come to Denmark in the future -- with points being determined by factors such as academic qualifications and proof of language proficiency. In addition, the equivalent of €13,000 must be deposited with the state in the form of a bank guarantee to cover any future public assistance. Socially deprived areas with a disproportionately high number of immigrants will be subject in future to a so-called "ghetto strategy" designed to prevent high concentrations of foreigners in public housing areas. Migrants will be assigned housing, and three-year-old children who do not speak Danish well enough will be required to attend state child care. Some immigrants have already turned their back on Denmark voluntarily. Increasing numbers of Somalis are moving away, especially to the UK, the Jyllands Posten reported on Thursday, because of discrimination. source: http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/putting-a-price-on-foreigners-strict-immigration-laws-save-denmark-billions-a-759716.html

600,000 (illegal) migrants are lined up along North African coast and ready to enter Europe this summer. source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2596907/Army-600-000-migrants-lined-North-African-coast-ready-invade-Europe-summer-warns-Italy.html

Europe is bracing itself for a howl of rage. Populists promise to steal the show in elections to the European Parliament next week.
Unashamedly anti-EU parties - mostly of the extreme right, but joined by a handful from the left - may well garner 30 per cent of the vote... After canvassing opinion across seven countries - including Germany, France, Italy and the UK as well as Spain, Poland and Greece - Pew reported that sizeable majorities thought the EU intrusive and inefficient. Almost two-thirds saw the union as "remote"; seven out of 10 said their voices went unheard. There were strong complaints about immigration and fears about jobs and living standards. As for the worth of the Strasbourg parliament, only 36 per cent of the respondents offered a positive view.
source: http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/0d7e4d10-da93-11e3-8273-00144feabdc0.html

In Stockholm's suburb of Husby, the roads still bear charred marks from cars torched in Sweden's worst riots for years... hundreds of cars were burnt, shops and day schools attacked as police battled hundreds of immigrant youths after a Portuguese man was shot dead by police. The week-long riots spread across Stockholm, shocking a country that prided itself on equality and welcoming asylum seekers. Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt called rioters vandals while the anti-immigrant Sweden Democrats pressed for a curfew... Two decades ago, the Sweden Democrats were a fringe far right party but they now hold around 8 percent support in polls and are aiming for up to 15 percent in EU elections... Many Swedes remain tolerant of immigrants and asylum seekers. But a growing minority are fearful of crime, concerned about jobs and worried about costs to the welfare state. Questioning immigration is no longer a taboo, a growing trend in the Nordics where populist anti-immigrant parties are now part of the political landscape. In Denmark, Sweden and Finland, anti-immigration parties are now among the three most popular in some polls. In Norway, a rightist populist party is in the ruling coalition... Five years after arriving in Sweden, some 44 percent of immigrant men and 56 percent of women are still unemployed... Police have battled Roma migrants who set up makeshift camps outside Stockholm. The talk of Stockholm this year has been the rise of beggars from Eastern Europe on the streets. source:

France is 'dumping' ground for EU migration and visa-free Schengen area must be scrapped, says Nicolas Sarkozy: http://tinyurl.com/pdffojj

Around 1,000 would-be immigrants stormed the border fence between Morocco and the Spanish North African city of Melilla on Wednesday morning, with around 400 managing to enter the enclave. source: http://www.thelocal.es/20140528/1000-migrants-storm-spains-north-african-border

cost of Illegal Immigration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0d7lAimtlU

Italian authorities estimate that there are 800,000 people sitting on the coast of Africa, waiting for a chance to cross. The mayor of the Sicilian town of Catania was quoted in the press as saying that Europe faced "a looming, colossal humanitarian catastrophe"... Nearly half the Italian jail population is composed of foreigners... As it stands, the refugee crisis in Europe is the main factor fuelling the rise of the ultra right and neo-fascist parties. source: http://www.watoday.com.au/comment/europes-boat-people-numbers-make-ours-look-minuscule-20140605-zryze.html

Australia plans to resettle asylum seekers in Cambodia. video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SX4Cd0pB_E

Denmark is closing its borders: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUDaciuDkqg

Over the last several years, an inflow of illegal aliens from Africa led to major tensions within Israel over what to do about illegal immigration. In Tel Aviv in 2012, a crisis of rising crime, disorder, and rape infuriated locals, and many saw the crisis as being brought on by the illegal aliens, called “illegal infiltrators” in Israel...” The Israeli military has, over the last several years, turned away huge numbers of African asylum seekers, mostly from Eritrea and Sudan, at the border... Britain has had to endure rioters on welfare, the 7/7 bombings, the savage slaying of Lee Rigby, and the transformation of entire English neighborhoods into autonomous Islamic enclaves. One influential radical cleric, who is on English welfare, encourages Muslims to go on welfare as a form of plunder and jizya, or an extra tax imposed on non-Muslims. The British have begun to fight back, as UKIP’s success shows... The “far-right” party Front National achieved a record victory in last month’s EU election, finishing ahead of France’s two major parties... Speaking about immigration, the FN’s president, Marine Le Pen, bluntly says: "Immigration is an organized replacement of our population. This threatens our very survival. We don’t have the means to integrate those who are already here. The result is endless cultural conflict..." Sixty-four percent of Italians... see immigration as a “very big problem.” Italian views toward immigration are shaped in part by the startling experience of Lampedusa, a small Mediterranean island. The island has become a favorite target for African and Middle Eastern “migrants” and “asylum” seekers, many of whom are in fact economic migrants. source: http://www.americanthinker.com/2014/06/where_is_americas_sense_of_selfpreservation_.html

French fertility for the country as a whole stands roughly at the replacement number of two (while in Spain, for example it is a mere 1.4)... Between 2006 and 2008, about 40% of newborns in France had one foreign-born grandparent (11% from other European countries, 16% from Maghreb and 12% from other parts of the world). Combine this domestic tribal decline with the French extravagant welfare state (paid by the highest taxes in Europe and combined with burdensome regulations), benefitting immigrant groups; the lack of integration of many immigrants, and - last but not least - the departure of some 2 million French citizens over the past decade or so for London, Silicon valley etc. - relatively young, skilled and entrepreneurial - and the present crisis atmosphere in France is not just comprehensible, but predictable... The welfare policies that work in relatively small, relatively homogenous, high-taxed Scandinavian countries with skilled and disciplined populations, and which worked to some extent in France too for a while - are doomed once the country loses cohesion. source: http://www.atimes.com/atimes/World/WOR-01-280514.html

Angry villagers yesterday said riots could break out if police do not deal with hundreds of gypsy immigrants who they claim have ruined their community. Residents of Hexthorpe, South Yorkshire (U.K.), said people would take the law into their own hands unless the authorities step in to combat anti-social behaviour. source: www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2656728/

Americans' approval of President Barack Obama's handling of immigration has dropped to 31%, one of the lowest readings since 2010, when Gallup began polling on his handling of the issue. Meanwhile, two in three Americans (65%) disapprove of his handling of immigration. source: http://www.gallup.com/poll/171755/approval-obama-handling-immigration-falls.aspx

Australia is offering asylum-seekers in its Pacific immigration camps up to $10,000 (US$9,400) if they voluntarily return to their home country. source: http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2014/06/21/australia-offers-asylum-seekers-10000-to-return-home/

Mexico: In the northeast (Tamaulipas state) police raided a location where 165 people from Cuba, Honduras, and El Salvador were being held captive by people smugglers who were demanding more money to get them into the United States. Such double dealing is common on the border, especially with non-Mexican migrants seeking someone who will get them across the border for a fee. Three of the kidnappers were arrested and the hostages said that one couple and their child had already been killed when they were unable to get anyone to produce more money for them. source: http://www.strategypage.com/qnd/mexico/articles/20140711.aspx

It is now all the fashionable rage in Washington, D.C., to proclaim solidarity with America’s working poor in front of the cameras — while stabbing them in the back behind closed doors... If these elected officials care so much about reducing poverty, why are they working so hard to import more of it from around the world? Leaders in both political parties have thrown struggling Americans under the bus to feed the cheap illegal-alien labor machine. The working poor are the biggest losers in D.C.’s amnesty game. source: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/384097/real-anti-poverty-program-stop-amnesty-michelle-malkin

Illegal immigrant demonstrators were protesting outside the White House on Monday – but don’t expect America’s immigration officers to intervene. An Immigration and Customs Enforcement official indicated that even if the protesters end up getting arrested by D.C. police, they’d have to be serious criminals for ICE to get involved. source: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/07/28/illegal-immigrants-protest-outside-white-house-with-little-fear-repercussions/

Last edited by polka23dot on Sun Aug 02, 2015 6:10 am; edited 9 times in total

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Immigration      Empty Re: Immigration

Post  polka23dot Tue Jul 01, 2014 6:31 pm

Australian immigration minister Scott Morrison tells asylum seekers in this official video that even if they were found to be genuine refugees, they "will never live in Australia..." Fairfax Media revealed that the Abbott government has dramatically increased the amount of money being offered to asylum seekers to go home to their country of origin - including war-torn countries Syria and Iraq. It is understood Lebanese asylum seekers are being offered $10,000 to leave the centre, while Iraqis are being offered $6000. Both the video and increased payments being offered to asylum seekers are the latest tactics being used by the Abbott government to cement its hardline stance against asylum seekers who come to Australia without a visa. source: http://www.smh.com.au/federal-politics/political-news/immigration-minister-scott-morrison-tells-asylum-seekers-to-go-home-in-orientation-video-20140626-3avy0.html#ixzz35k0A2y5D

On June 27, 2013, the Senate passed the Schumer-Rubio immigration bill (S.744) which, among other things, doubled the levels of legal immigration and guestworkers. One year after that vote, a new Center for Immigration Studies report suggests just how out of touch the bill was from the realities of the labor market. Since the year 2000 all of the net increase in the number of working-age (16 to 65) people holding a job has gone to immigrants (legal and illegal), according to the report. This is a remarkable statistic given that native-born Americans accounted for two-thirds of the growth in the total working-age population. source: http://cis.org/all-employment-growth-since-2000-went-to-immigrants

Forcing employees to speak English in the U.S. violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, says the Obama administration. source: www.judicialwatch.org/blog/2014/07/u-s-sues-american-co-requiring-workers-speak-english/

Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, warns that the United States will become a third world nation if the federal government does not enforce its immigration laws. source: http://washington.cbslocal.com/2014/07/01/gohmert-us-will-become-third-world-nation-if-feds-dont-enforce-immigration-laws/

Laura Ingraham made a bold call on how to confront problem of immigration in the United States, in particular regarding the flow of illegal aliens through the U.S. southern border. Ingraham laid out her plan to host Bill O’Reilly, which included mass deportations, cutting off of foreign aid to offending nations and the end of the “anchor baby” phenomenon which some say has been caused by birthright citizenship. source: http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-TV/2014/07/03/Ingraham-Time-for-Mass-Deportations-by-the-Thousands-End-Birthright-Citizenships

Child refugees? No, they're stealing our country: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_rpT6tvW94

Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) believes Hispanics should get amnesty and citizenship to punish Americans who are against illegal immigration. source: http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/07/21/Luis-Gutierrez-to-La-Raza-Get-Amnesty-to-Punish-Americans-Against-Illegal-Immigration

As Central American children continue to illegally pour across the U.S. southern border, thousands of Americans poured onto the streets Friday in 319 cities and towns across the country... The protests will continue Saturday on highway overpasses, in state capitals, Mexican consulates and facilities receiving the illegal aliens. The event is coordinated by a coalition of 50 organizations and three main sponsors – Americans for Legal Immigration, Overpasses for America and Make Them Listen. source: http://www.wnd.com/2014/07/americans-protest-amnesty-in-319-cities/

The UN is under pressure to do something about the post-World War II tendency to allow displaced people to remain refugees for decades, instead of persuading host countries to just absorb them. Absorption (by the country refugees ended up in) is how refugees were handled for thousands of years, and how Europe and China handled over ten million refugees after World War II. Then again, until quite recently it was also quite common for large numbers of unwanted refugees to simply be killed. The more recent practice of maintaining refugees for decades has led to more terrorism and violence in general. The treatment of the Palestinian refugees is the most vivid example of this policy. The equal number of Jewish refugees expelled from Arab countries in the late 1950s was absorbed into Israel and Western nations and were never a problem. The Arab nations refused to absorb the Palestinians and insisted they remain refugees, which millions do until the present. This has caused or contributed to several civil wars and terror campaigns and the deaths of thousands of people. source: http://www.strategypage.com/htmw/htun/articles/20140722.aspx

The crowd of 500 included grandmothers and small children, Chinese immigrants and the president of a local Republican club, all shouting that the mayor had trampled their rights. The source of their anger? The 180 homeless families that New York City had moved into the defunct Pan American Hotel in Elmhurst, Queens. The residents felt nervous around the new arrivals, they said. There were reports of shoplifting from the Good Fortune Supermarket, public urination and panhandling — all things, they said, that had been unheard-of in their neighborhood until now. During the protest on Tuesday night, one of the organizers spoke through a bullhorn in Mandarin, as a few people looked out the windows of the hotel... While local residents often object when the city opens a homeless shelter in their midst, the vitriol in Elmhurst since the city began moving families into the hotel in early June has shocked New York officials. Because many of those opposed to using the hotel as a shelter are Chinese immigrants, the conflict has also produced discomfiting images of immigrant families and the mostly black and Latino homeless families shouting insults at one another. A local civic group, Communities of Maspeth and Elmhurst Together, has organized a series of protests, including one in late June in which some of the protesters yelled at the shelter residents to “Get a job!” The homeless families responded that their opponents should “go back to China...” Several Chinese people at the protest on Tuesday said they believed that the city had intentionally targeted their neighborhood... Rachel Lam, 33, said she believed the government was bullying Asians because they assumed Asians would be silent. “But when it comes to our home, our children, our community, our safety, we will come out and protest,” Ms. Lam said... “Why does the government want to support this group?” Mr. Gao said in Mandarin. “Why do they want to give them free money? We have to work from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m.” He said he had taken his sons and nieces to a protest last month and that they had been scared and confused when the homeless families yelled at them. “They asked me, ‘Why are these people so bad? Why do they want to fight with us?’ ” he said... The protests have drawn criticism from some local residents. Zicheng Pan, 37, whose family owns the Yeung Chinese Restaurant on Grand Avenue, said that someone had come to the restaurant asking him to post fliers advertising one of the protests, but he had decided not to. “Let’s give them a chance,” he said in Mandarin. source: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/26/nyregion/homeless-shelters-opening-in-queens-stirs-ugly-exchanges.html?_r=0

A huge majority of Americans, 81 percent, believe the new immigration crisis of unaccompanied children streaming over the U.S.-Mexico border is serious, and almost as many want them gone -- some even if it's not safe to return, according to a new poll. source: http://washingtonexaminer.com/77-want-illegals-sent-home-81-say-its-a-serious-issue/article/2551338

Illegal immigration protesters descended upon historic Boston on Saturday decrying Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick’s decision to offer shelter in the state to unaccompanied minors... Sison did note that the rally was the largest she’s ever seen on Beacon Hill. source: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/07/26/boston-teeming-with-protesters-in-giant-rally-against-housing-illegal-immigrants-in-the-state/

Tonight the immigrant population in Stockholm’s suburb of Rinkeby was awakened by riots. Around 200 people took part in throwing stones at the police; cars were set on fire and shoots were fired. source: http://www.jihadwatch.org/2014/08/sweden-police-lured-into-ambush-in-muslim-area-stoned-by-hundreds

By 2042, Americans of European ancestry will be a minority in a country built by Europeans. “Anglos” are now a minority in California, New Mexico and Texas. Hispanics will soon be the majority in all four border states with Mexico. source: http://www.vdare.com/articles/us-becoming-the-brazil-of-north-america-when-did-we-vote-for-that

John Adams wrote: “Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide.” Then comes the strong man again. Is that our future? Is Western democracy approaching the end of its tether, with the seeming success of authoritarian capitalism in China and Russia?... Vladimir Putin may be the most reviled European leader among Western elites today, but he is more popular in his own country than any other Western ruler, with 80 percent approval, for standing up for Russia and Russians everywhere... The day of the democratist and transnational elite appears to be passing. In Europe, the Scots, Catalans, Corsicans, Venetians and Flemish seek to secede from England, Spain, France, Italy and Belgium, respectively. Not only the National Front in France, but also the UK Independence Party of Nigel Farage and a dozen other nationalist parties on the continent want out of the European Union and an end to immigration. And they are no longer intimidated by name-calling. In America, a tectonic shift has taken place in public opinion with the arrival on our border of 60,000 children from Central America and the threat by Obama to issue executive amnesty to 5 million illegals. Last week, Alabama Congressman “Mo” Brooks said there is a “war on whites” in America, being led by Obama, noting that under civil right laws the only group one may discriminate against is white males. Nor has Brooks recanted under fire. In a Washington Post column answering Brooks, “A Welcome End to American Whiteness,” Dana Milbank concedes that, by 2043, white Americans will be less than half of the U.S. population. They were near 90 percent in 1960. Far from being something to fear, Milbank writes, this “is to be celebrated. Indeed, it is the key to our survival.” source: http://www.app.com/story/opinion/columnists/2014/08/08/buchanan-western-democracy-war/13793575/

As President Barack Obama considers sidestepping Congress to loosen U.S. immigration policy, a Reuters/Ipsos poll shows Americans are deeply worried that illegal immigration is threatening the nation's culture and economy. Seventy percent of Americans - including 86 percent of Republicans - believe undocumented immigrants threaten traditional U.S. beliefs and customs, according to the poll... Despite arguments from the White House and groups like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce that legal immigration benefits business, 63 percent of people in the online survey also said immigrants place a burden on the economy... 45 percent of people in the poll, carried out between July 15-22, said the number of immigrants legally allowed to enter the country should be reduced. Only 17 percent thought more legal immigrants should be allowed to come to the United States. Thirty-eight percent said the number should stay the same. source: http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/08/07/us-usa-immigration-worries-idUSKBN0G70BE20140807

Nearly two-thirds of likely voters in key U.S. House and Senate races disapprove of how President Obama is handling the immigration issue, with a narrow plurality favoring the Republican party over the Democrats. source: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/sep/15/nearly-two-thirds-disapprove -obama-immigration-pol/

A federal appeals court will not reconsider a unanimous February ruling upholding the actions of a principal in a Northern California high school who ordered students wearing American flag shirts inside out during a 2010 Cinco de Mayo celebration. Live Oak High School in the San Jose suburb of Morgan Hill had a prior history of problems between white and Latino students. Parents and a few lawmakers had argued that the actions violated the students’ Constitutional right to free speech. source: http://latino.foxnews.com/latino/news/2014/09/18/federal-court-upholds-us-flag-ban-on-cinco-de-mayo-lawyer-vows-to-take-case-to/

An American court has found for the first time that foreign women who suffer domestic violence in their home countries can have grounds to seek asylum in the US. source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/11065676/US-court-rules-foreign-victims-of-domestic-violence-can-seek-asylum.html

A village of just 1,000 residents in Switzerland has been forced to raise taxes because an African refugee and her seven children cost the local authority £40,000 in benefits every month. Hagenbuch, in the Swiss canton of Zurich, is understood to be spending close to a third of its total annual budget on the family after they arrived from Eritrea in East Africa three years ago. The massive benefits bill covers day-to-day living expenses such as groceries and cleaning costs, as well as paying for four of the woman's children to be housed in an orphanage and even bills for general entertainment - such as guided tours of local attractions and entry fees for the zoo. source: www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2758055/

Since 2010, the social support costs of non-Western immigrants and their descendants have increased by over two billion kroner, while the same costs for ethnic Danes have decreased by eight million kroner, the think-tank and magazine Mandag Morgen has reported. The magazine also found that since 2008, the number of non-Western immigrants and their descendants receiving financial support from the state has risen by 35 percent. Government coalition partners the Social Liberals (Radikale), a traditionally pro-immigration party, said the numbers indicate that Denmark needs to start requiring more from immigrants. “We need to admit that there are too many immigrants in the unemployment statistics and outside of the job market. There are too few in education and too many in the crime statistics,” the economy minister, Morten Østergaard, who is also the Social Liberals’ party leader, told Mandag Morgen. source: http://www.thelocal.dk/20140916/non-western-immigrants-costs-exploded

No wonder they are smiling. On the sunny seafront at Folkestone, two African migrants look forward to a new life after a hazardous journey across the English Channel hidden in a refrigerated lorry and almost suffocating to death. Now, eight days after arriving, they live at the taxpayers’ expense in a Kent holiday hotel with a swimming pool and champagne on offer while Home Office officials search for UK homes for them... A trickle of Eritreans smuggling themselves to the UK is now a torrent... ‘I was in Calais for seven weeks trying to get on a lorry day and night. I hid my Christian cross under my T-shirt because I was afraid I would be attacked by the Muslim migrants there.’ source: www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2771561/

A new study shows that the number of immigrants in the United States jumped 3 percent in three years — to a record 41.3 million in 2013 — and that the nearly 300,000 who came from Muslim countries pose a major national security threat... The primary threat from a group like ISIS to the homeland is through our immigration system... By comparison, the U.S. immigrant population stood at 9.6 million in 1970... Those numbers reflect two basic facts: an extremely high level of legal immigration, a very permissive legal immigration system — and they also reflect a failure to control illegal immigration... The largest number of immigrants in the United States are Mexicans... Total number of immigrants from primarily Muslim countries in the U.S. was more than 2.4 million last year, compared with 2.1 million in 2010 and 1.5 million in 2000. source: http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/Muslim-immigrants-security-threat/2014/09/2 4/id/596742/

Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) said Wednesday that any distinction between illegal immigrants and those who obey U.S. laws and enter the country legally “doesn't exist.” source: http://cnsnews.com/news/article/zoey-dimauro/rep-grijalva-distinction-between-legal-illegal-immigrants-doesn-t-exist

Illegal immigration on the southwestern (U.S.) border spiked 14 percent over the past year, marking the third straight increase. source: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/oct/9/illegal-immigration-leaps-third-straight-year/

massive rally in Milan, Italy against illegal immigrants: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8jpC9CuqJQ

Mexico has very harsh laws regarding illegal immigration. In Mexico, illegal immigration is a federal offense, while in the U.S. it is a civil one. Translated from Spanish, Article 123 of the General Law on Population states that the penalty for illegal immigration consists of up to two years in prison and fine of several hundred pesos. If a Mexican marries a foreigner to aid her or him to live in the country, the punishment is up to five years in prison as stated by Article 127. Additionally, Mexico is known for using its troops on its southern border... This August, activist James O’Keefe crossed the U.S.-Mexico border on video dressed as Osama Bin Laden. The video would be amusing if it didn’t show just how weak the security at the border really is. The Pew Hispanic Research estimates that there are more than 11 million illegal immigrants in the United States as of 2010. This brings the percent of the population living illegally to over 3.5 percent, the highest of any country in the world. The next country’s percentage, Austria’s, is more than seven times less. The United States is not exclusionary or inhumane. The numbers show that we clearly have a major problem with illegal immigration in this country. Attacking those who are simply concerned about today’s situation is unfair and unproductive. The dialogue must shift to which characteristics we should be looking for in the immigrants that we allow as well as how to finally make the border completely secure. source: http://www.dailyiowan.com/2014/10/20/Opinions/39577.html

According to the nationwide poll conducted by The Polling Company on behalf of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), 78 percent of voters indicated that a candidate's position on immigration policy was an important factor in determining their vote. Further, 56 percent of voters expressed support for congressional legislation that would "prevent President Obama from using federal funds to legalize" millions of illegal aliens through executive action. source: www.virtualpressoffice.com/publicsiteContentFileAccess?fileContentId=1801627

Nigel Farage talks about Romanian immigrants in the UK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNr3fXXK92s

In Northern Ireland a wave of immigrants is met with fists. details: www.nytimes.com/2014/11/29/world/europe/in-northern-ireland-immigrants-are-increasingly-met-with-fists.html

Angry Italians oppose illegal immigration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9CjZzxjVfQ

25% of British adults want all immigrants repatriated. source: http://livinginamadhouse.wordpress.com/2014/11/23/british-future-report-says-25-of-british-adults-want-all-immigrants-repatriated/

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Immigration      Empty Re: Immigration

Post  polka23dot Fri Dec 12, 2014 7:01 pm

At the end of this week, the Swiss electorate will be asked to vote on a proposal to restrict the number of foreigners allowed to settle in the country... The forthcoming Swiss referendum... was demanded by an ecological association which apparently cares about plants just as much as about people, and wants to impose strict quotas on migrants not because it fears foreigners, but because it wishes to preserve Switzerland's pristine natural environment from too many people... As anti-immigrant measures become mainstream, so does the broader public discussion which now regularly vents anti-immigrant themes. Given their awful history, Germans used to be acutely sensitive to any utterances which smacked of racism. Not anymore, however. Bildt - Europe's best-selling newspaper - recently complained about the "disproportionate crime rate among adolescents with Muslim backgrounds" in Germany, and about the faith's alleged "homicidal contempt for women and homosexuals"... The most spectacular transformation has taken place within the ranks of Europe's left-wing parties, which traditionally offered strong support to migrants and ethnic minorities... Mr. Manuel Valls, the current Socialist Prime Minister of France... advocates the introduction of strict immigration quotas... Most of Europe's Socialists are still deeply uncomfortable with such blatant anti-immigration excesses, but feel that they have no other option, since their own working-class constituency now feels threatened by immigration... The recent conversion of some ecologists to the anti-immigration cause completes the circle which spans from the right to the left of the political spectrum. source: www.straitstimes.com/news/opinion/eye-the-world/story/anti-20141126

Americans defeated President Obama's disastrous amnesty plans both in Congress and at the voting booth. Tonight, President Obama defied an entire nation and declared that he will impose his rejected amnesty through the brute force of executive order. President Obama's executive amnesty will provide an estimated 5 million illegal immigrants with the exact benefits Congress rejected, in violation of federal law. His order will grant them social security numbers, government-issued ID's, legal status and work permits. Illegal immigrants will now be able to take jobs and benefits directly from struggling Americans in a time of high unemployment and low wages. They will be able to take jobs from Americans in all occupations, ranging from truck drivers to power company workers to jobs with city government. Many illegal immigrants will also be able to obtain green cards and become permanent residents, allowing them access to almost all federal programs, to receive citizenship and sponsor foreign relatives to join them in the U.S. In addition to providing formal amnesty benefits for 5 million illegal immigrants, President Obama has also eliminated virtually all enforcement with respect to the other nearly 7 million illegal immigrants in the United States. As the president's own former ICE Director, John Sandweg said: "if you are a run-of-the-mill immigrant here illegally, your odds of getting deported are close to zero." All you have to do is get into the country from anywhere on globe — whether through the border or by overstaying a visa — and you are free to remain, take jobs and receive benefits. This year alone, the White House has released into the United States more than 100,000 illegal immigrants who simply showed up at the border and demanded entry... Apparently, America now has its first emperor. And he has issued an imperial order to dissolve America's borders... Currently, two-thirds of all new jobs in the IT industry are being filled by foreign workers — and yet the president wants to dramatically surge foreign worker admissions even further. This at a time when the Census Bureau tells us more than 11 million Americans with science, technology, engineering and math degrees don't have jobs in those fields. source: Senator Jeff Sessions, http://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2014/11/20/obama-immigration-amnesty-r eform-executive-action-overreach-imperial-emperor-column/19293813/

America’s borders and points of entry, including international airports, are our first line of defense against those who would do us harm, compete for American jobs, or place a burden on public welfare, including those who are infected with a deadly virus! The federal government bears the obligation and responsibility to protect our borders under the United States Constitution (Article IV, section 4). source: http://www.thesocialcontract.com/artman2/publish/tsc_25_1/tsc_25_1_editor.shtml

There is no purpose for the United States to have a military if it is unwilling or unable to secure its borders against the entry of illegal aliens and contraband. Nations are defined by their borders and the primary reason for our armed forces is to keep our enemies as far from our shores as possible. source: http://www.thesocialcontract.com/artman2/publish/tsc_25_1/tsc_25_1_cutler.shtml

One of the BBC’s top presenters has admitted that the corporation ignored mass immigration because it feared critics would say it was racist. source: www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2873484/

A top European rights official warned Spain on Friday that it risked destroying its asylum system if it passed a law authorizing police to immediately deport migrants from its north African territories. Spain says the measure is needed to help its border guards secure the border of Ceuta and Melilla, two Spanish cities fenced off from Morocco. Its police have been accused of breaking international rights conventions by beating African migrants who climb the fences into the territories and deporting them on the spot without asylum procedures — so-called “pushbacks”. source: http://www.blazingcatfur.ca/2015/01/17/eu-spains-new-migrant-law-sets-very-bad-precedent-the-beginning-of-the-end-for-the-asylum-system/

Immigration has become a hot topic in Germany this year, amid a surge in the numbers of asylum seekers, fuelled by the wars in Syria and Iraq. Germany takes in more asylum seekers than any other country. Germany expects 200,000 asylum claims for 2014, up from 127,000 in 2013. source: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-30478321

A record number of foreign citizens were deported from Norway last year, after country's police stepped up the use of deportation as a way of fighting crime. source: http://www.thelocal.no/20140127/record-number-of-foreigners-deported-by-police

UN High Commission for Refugees says almost 3,500 people died attempting to cross the Mediterranean Sea to reach Europe in 2014, making it the world’s most dangerous sea crossing for migrants. More than 200,000 people were rescued during the same period... If illegal immigrants knew that simply arriving on European soil would be no guarantee of staying, would they still risk it? If people smugglers also knew that, would they be able to extort huge amounts of money from the desperately vulnerable in the vain attempt to try? Australia provides an example of how Europe’s expensive, public display of overt compassion is killing the very people it is trying to help. Under the current coalition government of Prime Minister Tony Abbott, the flow of refugees seeking to enter Australia by boat has stopped. Abbott’s government tows any vessel found straight back to where it started from. In most cases that is Indonesia. The policy of immediate return has been well publicised and those who do make it into Australian territorial waters are sent to offshore islands in New Guinea or Nauru for processing. Australia then uses its famous ‘points based system’ to decide who is a genuine refugee and who is an economic migrant. End of story. The Abbott government went to the September 2013 polls promising to ‘stop the boats’ on the basis that the journey the asylum seekers make is dangerous and controlled by criminal gangs and they have a duty to stop it. The message was simple but effective. No means no. By July 2014 there had been zero new arrivals nor deaths at sea for 200 days. Two months later a total of 12 boats containing 383 people had been turned around, in some cases towed by Australian naval vessels, with more disrupted before they set off from places as far away as Sri Lanka... Australian government statistics show that between 2012 and 2013 more than 18,000 people arrived in Australia illegally by sea, compared to 7,300 between 2011 and 2012. By the end of 2014 that number was close to zero. So a policy of saying no to illegal immigration turned a deluge into a trickle to none at all. By contrast Europe’s porous borders and unquestioning acceptance of every single person who steps onto its shores claiming asylum is an unmitigated disaster and an example of the law of unintended consequences. By trying to be compassionate, Europe is luring thousands to their death. At the same time it is making human traffickers rich beyond measure. source: http://www.breitbart.com/london/2015/02/12/how-well-meaning-leftists-are-luring-thousands-to-their-deaths/

According to a report from the University College London, non-European immigrants have cost the British government 120 billion pounds, more than taxes paid since 1995. Immigration from EU countries, however, have a plus of 20 billion pounds since 2000. source: http://speisa.com/modules/articles/index.php/item.867/non-western-immigration-has-cost-britain-%C2%A3120-billion.html

Sixty-one percent of Americans agree that "continued immigration into the country jeopardizes the United States," according to a new poll commissioned by management consulting firm A.T. Kearney. source: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-03-07/americans-really-don-t-like-immigration-new-survey-finds

"I like a lot of the world leaders... One of my favorites is Angela Merkel... Her bravery in the face of the refugee crisis is something that I am impressed by." - Hillary Clinton (source: www.politico.eu/article/in-swipe-at-trump-clinton-names-merkel-as-her-favorite-world-leader/)

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